How many would use this service?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I see a lot of threads from board to board, where other members are either asking for reliable partners for their start ups, or looking for new staff to hire.

I think this a void that needs to be filled, so I am experimenting with a new board, and it's called AdminSeek.Net. Now you can come by, offer your services, or look for your next Super Moderator.

My question is this: Would you use this type of service? I dont' want to throw a grand at this project if only 7 people used it. :)

Let me know what you think. (I am getting a header done this week, and possibly getting vB so don't knock it down for aesthetics, pls)


i like the idea- i'm starting a fairly complicated forum within the next few months and will probably need mods... but I don't know how much I'd be willing to pay at first, and I know I am not willing to share the profits on a % basis (ie partner)

how would this be so different than or something like that?
It would be cool if you could somehow figure out how to provide your users with some type of formal agreement forms etc. Any time money is involved (if that is the case) with a business partner, things could get ugly if you don't have some type of formal documentation in place before you ever start out. I've thought about doing something similar. Also, a reputation system so you can guarantee that a person is reliable and a good fit.
Okay, we've gotten a few members, and I feel this will be something to growon, so just got a vb licence and will move over next week.

and this woulnd't be a PAID service, just a place to come and make YOUR OWN deals with eachother. :)

Future plans include:
* Moderator School : Teach these kids how to handle situations
* Resume Search : Look through member's experience
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