How many users prefer Wordpress in United States ?


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Is in United States users like to use WordPress platform ?
Are they like to use paid WordPress themes and plugin or prefer free sources ?

WordPress is definitely loved all over the world, in US not more or less than in other countries. Of course there will be some statistical differences, you might find some country related statistic if you google around, no idea.

And your second question, guess what - everyone loves free shit even if they are rich proud US citizens.
Not only in US but most of the bloggers from different countries prefer WordPress due to many advantages. Now when it comes to using free or paid resources that depends on the webmaster. About 12% of the total Websites you see over the Web is Powered by WordPress. It depends upon the choice. But WordPress is the best Blog tool all over the Web. Easy to use, Reliable, Easy Access. Only you need is to Pay for Hosting Service.

Have a nice day :)
For the last 2 years WordPress has become more than just a blog platform. It is used for any kind of web projects today. More than 60% of all sites that use a content management system are powered by WordPress now.
I've tested Wordpress with a project site just to see how it worked before I started actually setting up sites to direct traffic to. I liked it well enough. Probably would've liked it more if I had used some of the paid features.
Users dont give a shit what CMS your website is using.

As long as they can get what they want from it fast enough and easily enough, its fine.

The best answer so far for the side of your users OP. Just like to add, if you are asking what will you use & don't have a single Idea about CMS.

Wordpress has the best and has the shortest learning curve. Also the same reason why most are using wordpress because the basics can be learned in a day compared to other CMS.

But yes your Users couldn't care less whatever CMS you are using. Its all about your presentation.
not just the US but all over everyone needs wordpress
How, why, where did you find this 3 year old post?

You should be banned for spamming, such a waste of time for readers.

I did read this topic from top to bottom to see at the end that this is a 3 year old fuck post.

Well lucky you, asshole.
Guess there's no active mods anymore like zingo or emp who can ban you and now you can run freely on a good forum.
i think not only in Us but all over the world most of people love to use wordpress and they mostly use it for their blogs.
not just in USA. WP is a world wide platform and probably all world is loving it.