How Many Test Clicks Do You Run?

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
I'm running a new offer right now and its at like 15-20 clicks with zero conversions. It's through yahoo and it's a short form submit. I'm getting kind of nervous. Should I just let it run it's course for like 100 clicks or so?


It really depends.

For example if you are running a campaign with a $15/payout and you are getting $.20 clicks you need to get one conversion per 75 clicks to break even. I would run it atleast until you get to that point however, I'd strongly suggest running it to however many clicks equals 2 or 3 conversions.

If it isn't converting after X amount of clicks stop it for the day. MAYBE make some changes and then I would try the offer atleast 2 additional days (including a mix between weekends and weekdays) also spread it evenly throughout the day. Start it in the morning run it for a little while and then stop it, start it back up at lunch run it for a little while and stop it, then start it back up a little later and see how it goes. As long as you are getting useful data it's all good.

That advice is assuming you have a tight budget and want to test the niche/offer while keeping your potential loss as low as possible. I'd recommend probably spending 6-9x the payout testing. (more if its a zip submit, maybe less if its a $50/offer all though neither are probably the wisest offers to start out promoting as someone new.)

Don't be afraid to use some coupons too, you can easily find $100 coupons for YSM that should help out a lot. I know when I first started I probably used 10 of them and only got called on it once. I just said my brother made some accounts as well and I was making new accounts to test out different things and figure out how everything worked. No problems.
Can't do anything with 15-20 clicks: Sample size is way too small to make any reliable projections. If you got one click out of that, you might project, say, 5% ctr, but that's unreliable: the next 20 may get 10 clicks, the next 20 might get none. Just from a purely stats point of view (though CShoemaker has good stuff about breakeven points, etc), I'd be putting up with the ambiguity and anxiety and waiting a little longer.
it's a small payout. it's $3.5 and im averaging .36 a click. jeez yahoo gives you some junk traffic. =\

You created multiple yahoo accounts? Were you using the same credit card?

It really depends.

For example if you are running a campaign with a $15/payout and you are getting $.20 clicks you need to get one conversion per 75 clicks to break even. I would run it atleast until you get to that point however, I'd strongly suggest running it to however many clicks equals 2 or 3 conversions.

If it isn't converting after X amount of clicks stop it for the day. MAYBE make some changes and then I would try the offer atleast 2 additional days (including a mix between weekends and weekdays) also spread it evenly throughout the day. Start it in the morning run it for a little while and then stop it, start it back up at lunch run it for a little while and stop it, then start it back up a little later and see how it goes. As long as you are getting useful data it's all good.

That advice is assuming you have a tight budget and want to test the niche/offer while keeping your potential loss as low as possible. I'd recommend probably spending 6-9x the payout testing. (more if its a zip submit, maybe less if its a $50/offer all though neither are probably the wisest offers to start out promoting as someone new.)

Don't be afraid to use some coupons too, you can easily find $100 coupons for YSM that should help out a lot. I know when I first started I probably used 10 of them and only got called on it once. I just said my brother made some accounts as well and I was making new accounts to test out different things and figure out how everything worked. No problems.
it's a small payout. it's $3.5 and im averaging .36 a click. jeez yahoo gives you some junk traffic. =\

You created multiple yahoo accounts? Were you using the same credit card?

Yeah, if it's a zip submit/email submit type thing and you have 20 clicks no conversions I would run another 10 clicks and if you can nothing just stop it for tonight. Then stagger it through out the day tomorrow and if it doesn't convert just drop it.

I was using the same paypal account, yes. Probably still works the same with a credit card. I know they keep track of how many accounts are under one paypal. Paypal was just easier for me at the time when I first started so that's what I used.
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