How Many Diggs To Get On Front Page?

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Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
As someone who has never really used Digg, except to digg some peoples websites on this forum, how many Diggs does it take to get to the front page (even if it gets burried seconds later)?

I was thinking about using subvertandprofit dot com to get an article of mine on the front page.

Man, from my personal experiences, what I see is the quantity is not obsurd, but I believe the time limit in which you get the leads is where it matters. So for instance, if you make a post and you want to hit the digg front page, my understanding is if you have 100 people digg your post WITHIN the first hour of posting it, then you should be a shoe in for hitting the front page.

Have I tested this theory? No, but I've heard that from multiple sources that the key is just to get as many diggs as possible, or do what they call is a "digg train" to get as many diggs as fast as possible, if that makes sense,
Anywhere from 30 to 200, depending on how many times your domain has been dugg before, and the people digging it.

Paying for diggs will bite you in the ass, so just 'friend' about 200 or so people who actively respond to shouts and you can start front paging anything in about a week.
  1. As many diggs as possible as quick as possible can be bad
  2. Many diggs at a steady pace is better
  3. Diversity of diggs is important... random people digging? people you shouted to? people your friends shouted to?
  4. Submitter is important
  5. Category you submit to matters... some categories are harder to hit front page simply because there is more competition
I also think some of these paid services suck because people leave spammy, dumb ass comments like "yippee" and "you rock!" and "neato torpedo!" and then the real diggers who see articles like that with 5 lame comments just bury it.

100-200 diggs in the first 24 hours has been the range where I hit front page.
As someone who has never really used Digg, except to digg some peoples websites on this forum, how many Diggs does it take to get to the front page (even if it gets burried seconds later)?

I was thinking about using subvertandprofit dot com to get an article of mine on the front page.

I did test this and it's 50 in the first hour, or was unless it's changed.
From my personal experience it is the timing when you submit the story and who submits the story. So If you can get around 100 digg's in 2 hrs and If your content is good then you hit the 1st page.
Thanks for all the suggestions. The article I plan to submit is decent. Not Mozart, but not crap either.

I will buy 250 diggs, and see how it goes. If I'm lucky, my VPS will crash :D
You're wasting your money using shit like subvert and profit.

You are way better off spending a day/paying an indian to spend a day digging upcoming stories/leaving semi useful comments and adding people who are active in the upcoming sections.

It won't take you long to get 200-300 friends, then just shout it and hopefully 20-30% of these guys will digg it straight away. Then just use your real friends/forum friends/diggs from digg exchanges to push it over the edge.

You'll save yourself a boat load of money and it'll make it a lot easier to repeat it over and over again.
You're wasting your money using shit like subvert and profit.

You are way better off spending a day/paying an indian to spend a day digging upcoming stories/leaving semi useful comments and adding people who are active in the upcoming sections.

It won't take you long to get 200-300 friends, then just shout it and hopefully 20-30% of these guys will digg it straight away. Then just use your real friends/forum friends/diggs from digg exchanges to push it over the edge.

You'll save yourself a boat load of money and it'll make it a lot easier to repeat it over and over again.

... what if I don't have any friends... will you be my friend??? plz???

haha. Thanks for the tip. This sounds like it would be more worthwhile in the longterm as well. I plan to do this sometime this week.
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