How many campaigns do you launch a week?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
A buddy of mine that makes a steady 5 figs a month told me that he tests 5-10 offers(launches campaigns for them) every 1-2 weeks. Im curious to see for those of you guys that are making a steady 4-5 figs a month, how many offers do you test a week? Right now I only launch about 10 campaigns a month and usually 1-2 of them end up being profitable. Just wanted to see where everyone else is at.




that answer really depends on how much time you devote to this business. But I usually test new things every 2-3 days in order to stay on top of it. If you have a couple of profitable campaigns - don't stop; keep on creating more because you will need those new campaigns when the old stuff dies out!
that answer really depends on how much time you devote to this business. But I usually test new things every 2-3 days in order to stay on top of it. If you have a couple of profitable campaigns - don't stop; keep on creating more because you will need those new campaigns when the old stuff dies out!

true, true.