how many blogs would be required to make $20-50 per day from adsense?

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New member
Feb 7, 2009
Assuming you're not Steve Pavlina and can make $1,000 per day from adsense on your site, how many sites/pages would be required to make $20-50 per day?

Is this the kind of thing where one blog with a ton of articles (spun or otherwise) would work, or would you need multiple blogs?

In other words, is one blog with a ton of niche subcategories sufficient, or would you be better off with many blogs each of their own niche?

I've heard of people using auto blog-generation software and creating thousands of their own blogs (each with adsense). Is that the only way to do it? What's required in terms of hosting, then? Can they all be hosted on the same plan?

Metalhead, this is the question where any shred of decency for you gets blown away like a leaf from Dr Manhattan's now gigantic circumcized nethers.

Not only are there dozens of posts about splogging and blog farming around here that you could have found with the search function, there's also the fac that you set your sites so amazingly low.

Back to DP with you!
How long is a piece of string?

I'll be nice with you because I think I was like you when I was noob. I have an analytical mind and planned way too much. If I did x everyday for y days I would have z money etc. etc. Unfortunately it is pure theory and the real world doesn't work that way.

Stop planning and start working. Throw up a niche site. Submit it to directories and social bookmarking sites. Keep updating it. Reading forums and planning is addicting for people like me. You need to put your foot down and start working.
It depends.

On the CPC, CTR and the traffic your site gets. And that's a really simple answer for a not so simple question. Just start building stuff, and tracking your results. Adapt according the aggregate data.

Oh, and no dick rolling in the newbie section. I'm looking at you, Machine.
I have an analytical mind and planned way too much. If I did x everyday for y days I would have z money etc. etc. Unfortunately it is pure theory and the real world doesn't work that way.

Stop planning and start working. Throw up a niche site. Submit it to directories and social bookmarking sites. Keep updating it. Reading forums and planning is addicting for people like me. You need to put your foot down and start working.

You know that's exactly my problem.

I have thrown together one niche site already (for affiliate links), but I feel the need to plan everything out before hand and I'm having analysis paralysis. I'm afraid to do something wrong because I hate having to re-do anything. I feel like it means I've wasted time doing it wrong the first time. So I overnanalyze the shit out of everything before I do anything.

This served me very well at my last job. Then I got laid off :D
I over analyze the shit out of everything before I do anything.

That's your problem right there. Just do it. Then do it some more. If it doesn't work, stop doing it. If it works, do it until you can't do it no more.

Seriously, this is a game for doers. If that's not you, keep looking for another job.

Now for the blog. It depends on a three things:

  1. Traffic
  2. Keywords
  3. Ad Placement
You aren't getting *anywhere* without traffic. There are thousands of posts explaining how to get traffic from search engines, blog carnivals, link bait, etc. Hint: If you have great original content, you'll get more readers.

Keywords. AdSense ads (or any ads that are contextually relevant) depend on what you write about. Some keywords have more competition than others. Real Estate, Finance or Medicine do way better than, say kumquats, math or shoelaces. Write about stuff that pays. Use Google's external keyword tool (google it) to find stuff with high keyword competition.

Ad Placement. In content and above the fold. Experiment. Look at Google's Heat Maps.

With that out of the way, you will find different strategies to bring in the money. One (or a few) targeted blogs with frequently updated original content can do it. Or, you can have 1,000 spam blogs with scraped content or crap to try and pull in random hits and make the same amount of money (until Google cancels your account). There's a wide gray are in between.

Now go and DO.
You know that's exactly my problem...

I'm afraid to do something wrong because I hate having to re-do anything. I feel like it means I've wasted time doing it wrong the first time. So I overnanalyze the shit out of everything before I do anything.

Wow! You've just explained why I do the same thing. I've always had "paralysis by analysis". Now I know WHY.

So how much do I owe you doc?
Try reading these for starters:
Make Money with Adsense
Make Money Online For Beginners

Ignore that they're hosted on free blog platforms, that they're ugly, and don't click the ads. As a bit of social proof, this guy's blogspot blog ranks page one, above the fold, for the term make money online.

This is starting to become the information I point people at when they ask about how to make money online. My brother asked me about it a couple months ago, and I sent him there. He's making $25 a day or better now, working on it extremely part time. He's already got two full time jobs... his day job, and world of fucking warcraft. So you can imagine how little time he puts toward this.
Seriously You only need one blog that have millions of posts index better than 5 blogs that got hundred indexed

Believe me. Mostly people Search for keywords so do SEO and get traffic that its
Seriously You only need one blog that have millions of posts index better than 5 blogs that got hundred indexed

Does it look legit to have one blog about a million different topics (niches) then?

I would think that, say 10 blogs, each about their own niche and with 10-20 niche related articles would do better than 1 blog with 200 articles total, with 10-20 about each niche. How would you do the latter? "Yesterday I was talking about widgets, but today I'm gonna talk about doohickeys!"?
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