How many affiliate conversions before you push for special treatment?

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Fair to Middlin'
Jun 26, 2006
I'm working with two low-paying affiliate offers and doing fairly well with them (well, for me, at least). The first one pays approx. $1.00. I can get, at the very least, 50 conversions a day. I'm guessing it would average out to 1,800+ conversions per month.

The other offer pays approx. $1.50 and I'm getting 25 or so conversions per day, or about 750 per month.

I've heard folks mention before that once you start getting enough conversions, you can start pushing for extra stuff from the company making the offer.

So, two questions: Am I even close to being in that territory? I have no idea whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that I am, but I also wouldn't be surprised to hear that I need 10, or even 100, times more leads before I can get a special deal.

Secondly, what should I ask for? Obviously, more money comes to mind, but are there other useful concessions I should be going after as well?


Numbat, you are getting $1 and $1.50? I'll give you $1.10 and $1.60 !

Obviously I'm kidding. I have NO idea what offers you are promoting.

To all in general - dont be shy or embarassed to negotiate. This is your money. You guys are doing all the work! Get the highest payout you can.
Yeah - I wasn't expecting any sort of offer - just an idea of what sort of volume you need to move before you can get any bargaining leverage.

That being said, I did PM Sean to see what they've got to offer.
Just saw your PM. I will get you on AIM tomorrow. Just wanted to add -an exact amount of conversions is not set in stone. It does depend on the offer and the payout. One approach would be to ask your aff manager "how many leads do I have to generate to get to a payout of $X." That way, it gives you a benchmark and a goal.

Your manager may not necessarily compare your numbers to the top affiliate, but may compare your performance to your past performance. If they see a substantial increase in conversions, that itself may warrant the increase in payout.
I'd just go ahead and ask. No harm in asking, if they say no, then ask what threshhold you need to reach to get a higher payout.
usually the bumps can be had if you consistently do 50 -100 actions a day and I am not sure what level the next bump is at seeing how I havent got to that point yet. The first bump is usually .05 -.10 . If any others know wha the next bump level is let us know.

The only reason I know the first or what i have experienced is that with 3 companies it all seemed to be at the 50 -100 actions a day.

Note some companies may vary:)
I was able to get a bump from one company for selling 2 things a day which was about $200 in product a day. Went from 30% to 50%.

On those $1 things I would say 50-60 would be a threshold, so I'd ask for it now and since there are probably a few CPA companies running them, ask around ;-).
So actions not gross $ is the biggest factor your think Mill?

What if you were doing 7-12 $30 programs a day?
You posted just before me =)

That is a huge bump, congrats Engaged.

So... how long before you think you have a strong position to request a bump?

1 week of $200-$300 days? 2 weeks? more?

BTW, excellent thread, gonna give some +1 points in here.
well Karn , I think that if your knocking out 200-300 a day then they definitely have nothing to lose by giving you a bump in pay. On a 30$ offer the bump should be a few dollars at least. Definitely contact your AM and tell them " Hey you can see that I am making 200-300 a day with this one offer, can i get a bump?" worst thing they will tell you is NO, but if they do say NO ask them what is the threshold for the next bump in pay.

I would see no reason why they would not give you a few extra dollars per action if your already making them money.

I have AM's that will give me a bump before I even start pushing the offer. I had one offer where they were listed as paying 28.50 and when i inquired about the offer they offred me 34.00 per action before i ever even pushed it.

So they have the money to pay you out, just ask,,,, again I feel if your pulling in 200-300 plus a day they will have no issue giving you the bump.
When you're pushing stuff like the ringtone offers on a network like Azoogle, how many conversions a day do you need to get a higher commission?
Yeah, I agree. Contact your Manager and ask them. Most networks will start to pay you more often the more you are making. Networks want your traffic. They want you making them money. They'll do what they can to get it as well. Hell, we've started a DAILY payment plan for our top :)

Push them and see if you can't only get a raise in pay, but a more frequent check :p
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