how long is to long?

Big Joe

New member
Apr 18, 2011
What is usually too long for a domain name? Is this preference?

Is it harder to rank a sentence than a few words?

I dont know whether they are good to seo but short domain name has various advantages other than seo,, Many times i have heard experts saying to prefer the short and readable domain name,,
If it's too long to be accurately heard and remembered when you shout it into some girl's ear on a crowded dancefloor, it's probably too long to be a branded domain name.

If you're talking about EMD stuff, you've got a lot more latitude, although I have an unconfirmed suspicion that as you start stretching the EMD title length, you get closer to what G considers "low quality" site territory.

"How Long?" is kind of an eternal question.

People have been wondering this since at least 1974, as evidenced by this video:

As said above "shorter is better" so I would like to go with short domain names. A short domain name is easy to remember, easy to call, you can easily tell your friend and your friend or family would remember for ever if the domain name is short, easy to pronounce.. .