How long for CJ to report stats?

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
How long does it usually take CJ to report a click or a sale/lead? I would think within a day right? But if you click your own ad, does it record that? Because i tried clicking it 2 days ago and no click was recorded.

Edit: sorry for the icon. I was trying to get the question mark, but when i click it and press post, it keeps saying "you need to pick an icon" so i tried like 5-6 times...and then i finally tried doing it with another icon...and it worked...

it depends on the merchant. there's a thread somewhere here about how they record it and how long it takes to show up on your account. apparantely there's two types of merchants, some wont show you the clicks/sales until a days later.
Huff! My CJ click from myself still didnt register(my own clicks should register right? It's not a pay per click advertiser, it's pay per lead). Unless i am doing something horribly wrong. All i did was I found an advertiser, applied to their program, was accepted, went into their "get HTML" and found a text link i liked(i edited the text). Does that all sound okay?
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