How long does it take you to get a PPC Offer running


New member
May 17, 2009
East Coast and Mid West
from the moment where you think "this seems like a good offer/niche"

how long does it take you to get the tracking, copywriting, landing page, etc. all set up to run?

Takes me half a day. And then if I see potential about a month or two to optimize it really good.

But it takes me half a day because I've done this hundreds of times and I use a ton of shortcuts. I don't really know if that's fast to be honest, maybe there are guys that can get it up and running in an hour or less.

Probably depends on a campaign anyway. For me, finding keywords, selecting the offer, creating the LP and writing the copy is pretty much on autopilot.

For keywords I got a database I search through and get 500k kws out in a matter of minutes. Another thing that helps is I've hit different niches so many times through the years I got a folder with ultra segmented high volume keywords in basically any niche you can think of already prepared to be just copy/pasted in to a campaign and run.

Then I got designs for LPs I've tested dozens and dozens of times and I know convert well. Copy is pretty much second nature to me and I don't even think too much when I write, so it's obviously not that hard for me to write a LP in 30 minutes or so. Ads also don't take me too much time, I always start with just 2 anyway. It's just a lot of steps I think, buy domain, change the website's template, write copy, upload files, set up tracking, segment keywords, create adgroups, create ads... a ton of little stuff that by itself isn't a complex task but just takes a fixed amount of time no matter how you do it.

I've noticed something with myself. My output is nowhere close where it could be, it's pretty good when I manage to make myself to do the work but overall it's kinda low. If you think you can ideally put out 2 solid campaigns a day, in just a couple months you have such an insane output it's scary. Can't even think too much about it. Well it's almost 3AM here and I'm rambling. Bottom line: my advice is to create a process of each step that is easily duplicated. System for getting kws easily, premade designs you can use over and over, same basic ads you only need to modify a little to use, drink redbull.. that's it