How long did it take you?


New member
Sep 9, 2011
If you're a full-time IMer, how long did it take you to get to the point where you can support yourself just doing that?If you aren't full-time yet, how long do you think it'll take you to become full-time?

I've only being doing IM for about two years, and most of that was off-and-on again. I'm guess it'll take me about another two years or so to be able to figure out how to make enough money to support myself.

I started about 6 months ago and I recon I'll be doing it full time in about a month or so.

I think I'm in a bit of unusual situation in that I have my own products and a website that was already generating a little bit of organic traffic (80 visits per day) but I don' think it's going to take you 2 years. If you're really committed to it, I recon you could be doing it much faster than that.

Do you already have sites that have some kind of rep in google?
What exactly are you doing?

Also depends on you. There's 14-year-olds making enough to buy a brand new merc every month while there are 40-year-olds who have been at it for 10 years with an $xx,xxx-$xxx,xxx debt to show for it.

Many aspects of this industry change lightning fast (new trends, new technology, new marketing methods and opportunities - the face of the internet changes frequently). If it takes you years to figure out and take advantage of stuff then maybe it isn't for you.

The only stable, long-term way of making bank is building a brand.
I have been doing IM off and on for a few years. I have real life commitments that don't allow me to focus on online activities for long periods of time, and as Handrewrites says, you snooze, you lose. You gotta keep up with your sites and what works in the online environment. If you have the time, stay consistent -it will happen! And like Louey37 said, it will be in less time than you think.
I went "looking, reading, thinking" for a year.

I tinkered with a site and built content for some of that year and a few more months.

Then I quit dicking around and got serious. Treated it like a real business, not an online hobby.

It's been a solid six months of dead seriousness. Of spending money. Of busting ass. Still learning. That brings me up to two years overall, six months for real.

I suspect I'll quit my day job in about two years. Most likely sooner now that I have a system and know what's going on.

My tip: don't ask questions. Test it out for yourself. You'll learn far faster and quit hesitating too.
I'm hoping to be full-time within three years, maybe sooner. Like littlefeather said, be consistent. I've decided that is the closest to an "affiliate marketing secret" that there is. You can't think things to death and you can get sidetracked if you spend too much time listening to a lot of (or any) affiliate marketing "gurus." Know the basics and the different paths. The same thing doesn't work for everybody.
In my opinion u must take 6-8 months to be a full time IMer and it also depends upon the individual.Give ur full time and dont move ur butt from one work to other, stick to one work and give your best at what you do and do it smartly definitely you will see success soon and never loose hope and never give up.

No substitute to hard work.
After dinking around w/IM on the side for a couple years, I finally took it full time almost a year ago when the opportunity presented itself. It really depends on the amount of dedication you pour into it & how willing you are to make mistakes, take a few risks, & take action.