How Long Before You Started Making Any Money?


New member
Jan 18, 2011
The title says it all. I am hoping to get enough replies to see what the average is.
I have built my first website 3 weeks ago and yesterday I made like 0.90$ from adsense. Is it just me or does that seem ultra weak?:mad:
How long did it take you?
Also, what other ways are there for monetizing the site other than adsense and affiliate products?? How can I get affiliates interested in me?

$.90 in one day on Adsense is pretty good for a site that started less than a month ago. Took me about a month to start making averages of at most $25/day, but after the 3rd month I started to make around $200+/day which is where I stand now.

I'm fucking poor compared to the people here, but hey, I'm just trying to get a decent college fund going here. I'm still a teenager, so I'm still trying to enjoy my teenage years with my girl, and my friends, so I don't have much time to try and make anymore cash. Plus, I'm "in-college" while I'm still in high-school, so it's fucking hectic for me.

Just stick at it. Everyone has their off-weeks/months, but you just got to keep on going. I have around 6 sites that make $5-7/day off of adsense, and convert decently for some shit products at Amazon. It took a few months just to get to that much for me.

Also, don't get desperate and give into that direct traffic source shit. It doesn't help.
I'm still a teenager, so I'm still trying to enjoy my teenage years with my girl, and my friends, so I don't have much time to try and make anymore cash. Plus, I'm "in-college" while I'm still in high-school, so it's fucking hectic for me.

I call bs on that you have a life outside of WF you're always here posting in 99% off the threads your GF has to be here online as well ;)
I started making money online 2 years ago.. (2008)

I tried, I tried, I tried, but did not get any results even .. in my mind, I want to give up .. many e-books that I bought .. but, it did not ..

I remember one thing, the effort .. no matter whatever happens, the effort is very important. 3 months I tried to get money, and the results I get what I want. I got my first $ 29 in the affiliate.

I am very happy, a year later I made adsense. within 1 day I have already earn more than $3. but now that I already do not do adsense, because google always changing the rules.
I call bs on that you have a life outside of WF you're always here posting in 99% off the threads your GF has to be here online as well ;)
iPhone's are ftw bro. I use Tapatalk, but I can't necessarily do anything with my websites from there (Other than my 1 Wordpress blog). I check Tapatalk like once every 10 minutes LOL.
iPhone's are ftw bro. I use Tapatalk, but I can't necessarily do anything with my websites from there (Other than my 1 Wordpress blog). I check Tapatalk like once every 10 minutes LOL.

Im moving to Bangkok on saturday and IM not bringing my blackberry, its gonna be wonderful not to be able to connect online all the time....
Im moving to Bangkok on saturday and IM not bringing my blackberry, its gonna be wonderful not to be able to connect online all the time....
Life without my iPhone = Worthless... Anyways, I've always wanted to go to Thailand; That place is fucking amazing. Have fun in Bangkok :D.