How is this possible?


New member
May 13, 2009
Ok, long story short.... I changed servers maybe 20-30 days ago and updated my nameservers to reflect a new server. Everything is good up till an hour ago. Now all of a sudden, when I look at my site with Firefox it points back to the old server.... I'm thinking WTF?!

This only happens in Firefox & I've experienced it on two different laptops. The site that I'm hosting with now should show NO content as it is a 0-bit index.php file -- but when viewed with FF it shows my old site. Ps, emptied cash cookies and lso's several times....

I don't get it. How can there be a glitch like this for only FF browsers??? Is FF pre-fetching sites on a db somewhere??

That's pretty weird. Prob a stupid question, but have to ask because I can't think of anything else right now. When you updated your nameservers, you made sure to clear the old ones out right (like accidentally left the 2 old ones when you added the two new ones)? That could cause your site to randomly bounce back and forth from old to new. Also maybe check to see what is showing up from some external tool like .
SOLUTION: Load some proxies and see if your site looks aight. If it does, its just Firefox and it will probably be fixed in the morning.

This same fucking thing happened to me last month with Fucking Firefox. I bought a domain, changed the nameservers, installed Wordpress. Then when I refreshed the page the "Domain is for sale" sign was still up. So I clear my Cache, Cookies, Brownies, and everything, and it is still bringing up the old site.

So I go for a walk outside and load the site up on my phone, and presto, the new Wordpress blog is showing.

I get back from my walk and load the site in Firefox, and doh, the old site loads.

So i start getting crazy, harvest a bunch of proxies in scrapebox, load em in firefox, and I noticed that Firefox must be loading the old site from my IP or something cause the proxies loaded the new site.

2 days later it fixed itself, but I have no idea why this was.

My guess:Firefox not only loads cache but loads your IP versus how the site looked on your IP.

Sorry for the long explanation.
thanks - it has now 'corrected' itself and is showing the correct content. weird.
This is a FF bug and is related to the way it caches- happens to me from time to time as well. No worries, as you've seen it sorts itself out eventually...

Truly bizarre and scary the first time you see it, though ;)