How important is single or low IP address per domain to you?

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New member
Jun 12, 2009
How much importance do you put on having your sites on their own ip address or controlling which sites are on your ip or server?

I'd rather use a cheapo shared server while experimenting with various techniques but I don't want to be limited by any goog penalties they may have with other sites on the shared server.

Does google give a shit if there are 200 domains on an ip/server?

Would it make sense that Google treated sites worth less when most sites are on shared hosting?

Probably not.

Edit: will you find a ton of people to tell you otherwise? probably. will links between different IP addresses be worth more than links between the same? probably.
I'm just a dumbass noob so my answer may be totally wrong, but I would think that it's better for AM sites to be on separate IP addresses so that it's harder for competitors to spy on your campaigns...
I'm just a dumbass noob so my answer may be totally wrong, but I would think that it's better for AM sites to be on separate IP addresses so that it's harder for competitors to spy on your campaigns...

Host the domain on a shared host and have a sub-domain for all your landers that directs to another server and IP address. Most affiliates won't check the subdomain so you'll be monitored much less.
I'm just a dumbass noob so my answer may be totally wrong, but I would think that it's better for AM sites to be on separate IP addresses so that it's harder for competitors to spy on your campaigns...
I agree but what if the IP's are all on the same physical server. Isn't there a way to find out all domains and IP's hosted on a physical server? So even if we spend the money on a VPS or dedi with multiple IP's, the other campaigns can be discovered right?

Host the domain on a shared host and have a sub-domain for all your landers that directs to another server and IP address. Most affiliates won't check the subdomain so you'll be monitored much less.
Can you clear up "Most affiliates won't check the subdomain"? I planned on having a generic domain on another physical server setup exclusively as a buffer to forward all campaign traffic to my affiliates so they would be blind. Is there another preferred method that I should use?

will links between different IP addresses be worth more than links between the same? probably.
Are you talking about backlink power? Crosslinking between multiple campaigns on different physical servers?

I was thinking in terms of just how a domain would be ranked hosted alone on it's own ip versus being hosted on a shared server with 100 other domains.

Thanks for the input.
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