How I recently quadrupled my income

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
I switched from AdSense to Affiliate Marketing. Fun stuff.

Where you see the ringtone offers:

Minneapolis/St. Paul Restaurants, Bars, Nightclubs, Movies and more. | SotanLIFE

There were once AdSense units. Now I make much more.

I had noticed that I while I was getting 60-80 clicks a day from AdSense, it was paying pretty miserably. I also noticed that there were lots of ads for ringtones... So, I signed up with copeac, replaced my AdSense and bam lots more money.

For anyone out there thinking of alternative income streams should seriously considering moving away from AdSense.

Hmm... No wonder WF is called an "Affiliate Marketing Forum" rather than an Adsense forum. ;) Adsense is pretty much bottom of the barrel for monetization.
Sounds like an interesting strategy.

Run adsense on a niche site and make note of the ads that come up (using the goog algo, basically) and search for their direct affiliate programs to replace adsense .

Not fucking bad. Might not work in all cases. But what a great example. Might get a newb in the ball park with at least a chance if the adsense is bringing up decently topic related ads for a niche being worked on.

Thank you
It's always good to diversify income streams and as you've found, this test is making you more money. I've tried these types of tests work tons of times and they usually don't become more profitable but in the 10-20% of instances that it does work, it's well worth it. Had you never tested aff offers, you wouldn't have known. Good sh*t.
Hmm... No wonder WF is called an "Affiliate Marketing Forum" rather than an Adsense forum. ;) Adsense is pretty much bottom of the barrel for monetization.

Not true. Adsense and Yahoo Publisher can make you fistloads of money if done right.
Works great, if you can get affliate ad networks to accept you and your sites. I've had a rough time of this, probably because my niches aren't dating and ringtones.
Are you worried that if you have a site with repeat visitors and they see a $9.99/mo charge when they thought there were getting a free ringtone they may be mad at you?
Are you worried that if you have a site with repeat visitors and they see a $9.99/mo charge when they thought there were getting a free ringtone they may be mad at you?

Since I'm "the Internet programming guy" at my office, I've had 3 people who work there stop by to ask me about how to get rid of those pesky $9.99/mo charges. Maybe I should charge them for the address and phone number of Dada's customer service. :D
Congrats aim!

I've found adsense works better for me on my sites, as my banners get hardly any click thrus and even less leads. Even with thousands of uniques daily, my banners only got a handful of clicks, and they were related to the content. Go figure.

I mainly use adsense now to monetize. Whoever said it's the bottom barrel doesn't know how to use it correctly.
Adsense and yahoo publisher ads work great. There is no leakage, scrubage or any that BS. You get clicks you get paid.
Not true. Adsense and Yahoo Publisher can make you fistloads of money if done right.
Obviously there is money to be made from AdSense and YPN. But there's more money in affiliate marketing. And more still in producing your own product. Or in running an ad/affiliate network. Just pick where on the food chain you want to position yourself.
Adsense and yahoo publisher ads work great. There is no leakage, scrubage or any that BS. You get clicks you get paid.

True enough, but here are some average stats.

On any given day, I'd get about 5000 visitors. Of these 5000, I'd probably get about 50-70 clicks on AdSense or YPN per day. At an average rate of $0.10 to $0.20 cents per click... Let's just stay on a very good day, I would make $17-18/day on this site.

Now, swap out the AdSense for some Copeac ringtone offers. A single ringtone offer at $17.50 payout means I'm in line with the best of days. And I've been averaging at least 2-3 sign-ups a day. While I'm not getting paid 'per click' per se, I'm still making a lot more off of conversions...
Obviously there is money to be made from AdSense and YPN. But there's more money in affiliate marketing. And more still in producing your own product. Or in running an ad/affiliate network. Just pick where on the food chain you want to position yourself.

Or rule the world...mwa ha ha ha ha
Congrats aim!

I've found adsense works better for me on my sites, as my banners get hardly any click thrus and even less leads. Even with thousands of uniques daily, my banners only got a handful of clicks, and they were related to the content. Go figure.

I mainly use adsense now to monetize. Whoever said it's the bottom barrel doesn't know how to use it correctly.
Same here. If I post a banner I get a CTR of well under 1%. With adsense I'm getting 3%
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