How I Did To Convince My Kids To Brush Their Teeth Without Threats Or Yelling (Use This To Sell More Of Your Stuff Online).


New member
Jun 29, 2024
Some story to help you sell more!

I have 3 kids and 1 more is right now in the oven. So, almost 4. (Poor sleep incoming… again)

After several scientific tests on my children, I’ve found the best way to make them brush their teeth without me treating or yelling or anything else. I can only sit in my couch and tell them what I am about to show you. I’m so convinced that it’s one of the best ways that you could use this in your online business as well:

First off, a little history of what I’ve done:For this purpose,

my kids are 5, 3, and 2 years old.

Like every new parent, you start with

”Maggy, can you brush your teeth please”




(Huhh), I need to find a better way.

Oh, I know, using some treats!

If you don’t brush your teeth, I am going to take your toys and throw it in the garbage. BOOM!



I found that the more you push against them, the more they will resist and even worst, do it (or not do it), just to piss you off.Like when your parents tell you don’t do it and you finally do it just to challenge their authority. So cute kids..

So, after several tests, I have found my evil plan.(Muhahahahahaha)

Fortunately, my parents have lost some teeth in the back of their mouths. The same thing for the parents of my wife. One of them has fake teeth and can take off a part.

Something is boiling here

One day, I told my kids, come see here.

GrandMa – Take off your teeth in front of them please.

Okay, kids, I don’t mind if you don’t brush your teeth, it’s yours, I got mine, and everyone takes care of their things (and teeth). If you don’t brush your teeth, you will lose it exactly like GrandPa and GrandMa PLUSSS

Here are some pictures on Google of people who have lost all their teeth.

Now I am going to ask you the question one time and I will give you the toothbrush and if you don’t take it within 3 seconds, I am leaving and YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR TEETH MHAHAHAHAHAHA

Problems solved for 2 of my kids.

The one who has 2 years old, I need to do some more test yet since he doesn’t understand everything that I am saying.

Bottom line, showing the consequences in a clear way to your customers can make them acts AKA buy your products.

Put them a clear picture in their skull like I did.

Hey, man! I had no idea that brushing teeth was so hard. For my kid easy - milky teeth he brushed cause I said if he wants to get more money or gifts from a fairy then he should take care. Till now it works) But tnx for sharing)