How HasOffers Went From Zero to Hero - Why Every Publisher Should Use HasOffers


Conversion Master
Jan 26, 2010
I've been an affiliate marketer for over 10 years now, starting with Football Fanatics slinging sports jersey's via ppc for .10 a click in 2000. Back then affiliate networks were few and far between. In fact, I can only recall CJ and Clickbank as the only reputable 2 choices for affiliates. Otherwise, the only "referral" programs out there were those that came directly from the merchant.

Software platforms such as Direct Track and HitPath, while both viable models, are costly and with limitations. The barrier of entry was very high so there were only a few major networks. As costs went down, we started to see more networks popping up. It was a slow and steady growth until Lucas and Lee Brown decided to abscond from tatto media with the software platform they hand-coded and offer it to the free market.

Talk about disruptive technology in the industry! HasOffers launched the first bonafide free trial for a network platform - allowing people to actually hop into their system and start building a network before committing capital.

Yea, when HasOffers first launched a few years ago it was in beta - a system with many limitations and some bugs. It was a good system from the start, but the founders and their stellar group of programmers recognized that the ultimate way to tighten their system up was to pay heed to the advice of users and upgrade accordingly.

Put these guys to the Pepsi challenge, I did. Here's was the situation: anyone that runs a high volume campaign on hasoffers knows that 200+ sales a day can quickly become an operational nightmare. If you needed to look up an ip address of a lead or run a conversion report on an affiliate subid, you were out of gas. ie. if you identified 1 subid from another network that sent you 30 leads and they were all fraudulent, you had to manually go through multiple pages to track that subid and return the leads. This my friends was a game-breaker for us.

We reached out to tech support and put in a request to have a new search field entered into the HasOffers platform. Instead of getting the royal "fuck you, we'll put in a support request" and never hear back on this issue again, the HasOffers group arranged a meeting with us at ASE to discuss how they were going to proactively upgrade and address this issue. Well address the issue they did - in fact that went above and beyond. Here's what prompted me to write this post this morning

"Last month your network requested the feature to search conversions. Engineers have updated your software to include this feature.

You can search for specific conversions in the Conversions Report using the search functionality. Search by the following data fields:
IP address, transaction ID, affiliate source, affiliate sub ID 1, affiliate sub ID 2, affiliate sub ID 3, affiliate sub ID 4, affiliate sub ID 5, advertiser sub ID, tracking link referral or conversion pixel referral. Simply select the data field to search in and enter the search criteria.


Twitter: @hasoffers"

Say whaaaaa! These guys hopped right on our request and went above and beyond.

So why should every affiliate marketer that's earning real cash in this industry use hasoffers. It's simple:

1. You will automatically get a higher payout on any offer you run across the board.

2. It's inexpensive.
3. It's extremely robust and offers all of the qualities of other platforms plus some.

Very happy with the hasoffers system. In fact, I had a call with shoemoney yesterday and apparently shoe and several other top pubs are using hasoffers now themselves. Economies of Scale!

Lol shoemoney uses it for his "system" which makes sense, so you are very confused on what "shoe" does i suppose.

I'll state a simple point I have with hasoffers: before we run with any network, advertiser, etc... we send a credit app as usual. I have not gotten a single credit app back from any network using hasoffers that spammed the shit out of me.. Take that how you may, but it speaks loud and clear on the general premise off hasoffer networks.

BTW.. if shoemoney uses hasoffers, that means its the best platform in the world.
HasOffers can have the absolute best platform in the world, offering every single piece of functionality ever desired by affiliates, merchants or networks. They can turn around trouble tickets or new feature requests in milliseconds. They can be the most trouble free tracking platform ever invented in the history of the world.

But it will never matter as long as they continue to tarnish their reputation by offering free and low cost network functionality. While I understand the reasoning behind offering these entry-level versions of their application (to eventually collect larger licencing fees down the road), I think the benefit of that is being overshadowed by all the scammy networks that come and go using the free/low cost versions. Legitimate players who have the ability to run good networks will be turned off by the instant negative reputation they'll get by using HasOffers.

CJ realized 10 years ago that eliminating discount pricing would improve their brand dramatically. They used to be extremely cheap, but were filled with crappy programs. They raised prices, cleaned house, and drew many more marquee brands. HasOffers should consider going that route.