how good is this crypto domain


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.

I regged this name back in early 2014. With the explosion of cryptocurrencies and the need for advanced cryptography/security, this seems like one of the more valuable domains in my portfolio.

What do you guys think? Should I develop it or try to sell it? I'm not sure I have enough time to maintain and grow it. If you developed it, what would be your approach?

How much do you think it's worth? How much might it be worth in a few years? Should I sell it?

As it seems, crypto and blockchain are about to be a big part of our life and people who specialize in these fields will be more valuable so the domain could be used as kind of a job-hunt website.
As it seems, crypto and blockchain are about to be a big part of our life and people who specialize in these fields will be more valuable so the domain could be used as kind of a job-hunt website.

Nice idea.
Develop it as a Dapp (Decentralized app) on the ethereum blockchain!

This is a good idea, and I'm sure there are many ways to really innovate in the space (i.e. smart contracts for jobs, negotiation/revisions options for gigs, a payroll service, etc). Unfortunately I don't have the coding skill required.

Have you checked already the value of this domain?

No, but value is subjective. I wouldn't really but an accurate value on it unless I had an offer or multiple respected appraisals.

Is low-mid five figures too audacious of an expectation?
Why sell it? Do an ICO. Some ground-breaking careers coin. Insta-millionaire.

Getting in with the current ICO hype doesn't sit well with me, but the opportunity is obviously there.

I am willing to put in the time and learn new skills. Let's start a team.