How GoDaddy Lost 70,000 Customers


New member
Jun 20, 2011
There is a lesson to be learned in knowing your customers, or at least knowing exactly where they generally stand when it comes to politics. First rule of business has always been to try to stay out of political discussions unless its really relevant to your customers, and if you are forced to get into a discussion, avoid picking one side over another. Godaddy’s CEO Warren Adelman learned this past week that he needs to listen more to their customers, as tons of them left GoDaddy because of his outspoken support of the Stop Online Piracy Act.
The Stop Online Piracy Act, known by its acronym SOPA, would basically allow pretty much anyone to block almost anything online based on a simple complaint from, well.. about anyone.
Many Internet companies are adamantly speaking out against this atrocity-in-the-making. An open letter was sent to congress strongly protesting this legislation. The diversity of Internet companies that were signatories to the letter shows just how serious a threat this legislation is to the Internet and online marketers.
Well, for some unknown reason, GoDaddy decided to throw in their support of SOPA along with tons of other large businesses that support this, mainly because it gives them additional unfair competition. As the internet grows, more and more smaller business and marketers are using the enormous reach of the internet to create their own content, their own marketing techniques and bypass large businesses. SOPA allows large content companies (movie studios, music labels) to basically challenge anything online without having to go to court.
Well, GoDaddy forgot that tons of their clients are those small businesses, and loads of marketers who use their domains, hosting and other services. In response, over 70,000 domains have been transferred from GoDaddy.
The lesson here is simple: Learn who your customer is, especially if you are a marketer. If you make the mistake of speaking out of turn, or offending your audience you run the risk of serious backlash. You are selling a product, not making a point, or trying to engage people outside your product sales process.

source : How GoDaddy Lost 70,000 Customers
amazing records :D


Now are all 70j domains really godaddy customers or are some just people trying to pick up domains with a discout and before the prices go up?
I'm glad that people are leaving Godaddy, I left them because they have there website set up to run me in circles and it's a pain to change a service without getting the request blocked for no reason, them intentionally confusing the order or annoyingly upselling me at every turn.

I also find it amazing that Godaddy is dumb enough to openly back SOPA. Anyone who makes a living from IM should be aware of SOPA and how it could bring major damage to our livelihoods.
70,000 domains (NOT 70K customers) is just nothing for godaddy. Just read more on the internet you will find that the net loss is very much smaller.

I hate GoDaddy, fuck them but this loss is not a big one for them.
I kinda agree with faceblogger. I mean 70,000 domains is about $700k a year. They probably spent that much in lobbying alone for SOPA. And a former employee was saying GoDaddy's target market is users that have very little understanding of how anything works on the web. So losing these educated customers probably isn't a big loss for them.

HOWEVER, I think the media coverage of this issue has been a great way to raise awareness of the potential harm the SOPA bill can cause. I think anything that leads people to discuss SOPA that otherwise wouldn't talk about it is a win.

TL;DR: The media coverage of everyone leaving GoDaddy was more impactful in raising awareness about SOPA than hurting GoDaddy's pocketbook.
70,000 domains (NOT 70K customers) is just nothing for godaddy. Just read more on the internet you will find that the net loss is very much smaller.

I hate GoDaddy, fuck them but this loss is not a big one for them.

Yeah, it's a pitance for them... unfortunately! I feel the same as you do, and wish the company nothing but misery.

I can reg a domain on my namecheap account and have DNS set up with my host in the time it takes to navigate the f'ing circle-jerk Godaddy has going on.
I thought I would be seeing a picture of the man himself with a picture of elephant and ivory tusks. Deadbeat.....
F@ck Gay dady.

If I wasn't such a n00b I would find a way to move to another provider.

Will most likely be moving in the new year!

I wonder if godaddy ever fixed that virus on their web hosting.

Last I heard they were still telling customers to install anti-virus software on their hosting.. using only ftp access. Rock solid business.'s suprising how many companies operate that way. Car dealerships are the worst. I just bought a replacement key on ebay for my car for 20 bucks and found a guy who could cut it and program it for a fraction of what the dealer would've charged.

Godaddy is a shitty company, and I tell everyone I know not to use em. I'd drop paypal too if I could find a decent replacement.
This is just the beginning. We need to take this to another level and kick start a registrar exclusively made for marketers. Id be happy to invest in something like that.
I'm glad that people are leaving Godaddy, I left them because they have there website set up to run me in circles and it's a pain to change a service without getting the request blocked for no reason, them intentionally confusing the order or annoyingly upselling me at every turn.

I also find it amazing that Godaddy is dumb enough to openly back SOPA. Anyone who makes a living from IM should be aware of SOPA and how it could bring major damage to our livelihoods.

Seriously, I hate godaddy's annoying UI. they really made it a point to make changing anything a pain. And all those emails with their annoying coupons? SIGHHH
They are going to lose a lot more domains move out day is scheduled for today. In my mind nothing has changed they still support things like SOPA and more than likely wont make this kind of public spectacle again next time it will be private. So with that in mind today is the day to close out those accounts.
They are going to lose a lot more domains move out day is scheduled for today. In my mind nothing has changed they still support things like SOPA and more than likely wont make this kind of public spectacle again next time it will be private. So with that in mind today is the day to close out those accounts.

They've released a $1 domain code though, Which will probably counter it.
Godaddy just needs to hire the netflix CEO so he can raise prices to complete the mission of losing all their customers..