How Fast Can You Type?


New member
May 7, 2010
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I haven't really put into thought on how fast I could type so when I used this site it was only like 55-60 wpm on average. Do you guys type with all 8 fingers the correct way meaning both pointer fingers start at F and J?

Post screenshot of your score. Any pointers on how to type faster? I wasn't satisfied with my score even though I can type probably 65 wpm when I know what I want to type instead of just retyping the test.

I use about 3-4 fingers, primarily my 2 index fingers.... lol


i kept finishing the test before the time was up...real WPM is like 150.

....i'm a huge nerd.
I got like a 60 or some shit, I dunno, I am not used to typying all correct and shit. where are the add an img, fuck yous, lols and the such
I got 68. I don't use my pinkies. I only use the left shift button. And I only use my right thumb for spacebar. Technically, not the correct way to type, but it works fine enough for me.
Ack, I got 52wpm after 1 error. The comma's and quotes where killing me. Still I'm glad I at least still average 50. I used to average about 60-70 when I typed a lot more. I'm gonna try this a few more times.
My wife had a finger (index finger) amputated about two and a half years due to a very rare form of cancer. These are her results on her first go with only nine digits. Me....I'm a complete typetard and only got 10 fucked up is that!? Worse still is I spend most of my time writing essays for Uni. Fuck me.

I just type as fast as possible disregarding accuracy and then spell check the 3 or 4 words that were misspelled. It seems to be quicker, but kind of a bad habit.