How fake sites trick search engines to hit the top

Domains generally cost a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars each — a pittance compared with a financial institution's potential liability or loss of goodwill if its customers are ripped off by a fake site.
Is this a joke article written for the quasi-retarded by Jordan Robertson and Michael Liedtke?

They were probably only searching for "credit union southern california" or some such, to get those rankings. Fairly specific long tails like that should be easy enough to ge a decent ran for if the owner hasn't done a decent job of SEO.

The experiment convinced Credit Union of Southern California that it should protect itself by being more aggressive about buying domain names similar to its own. Domains generally cost a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars each
If you're buying after market, and if you don't bother to WIPO the shit out of a domainer that's made registrations in bad faith.