How Does Google See Compound KWs?


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I have a long-tail KW that gets a lot of searches and none of the sites ranking are optimized for it. Let's say the KW was Icebreaker. "Best Icebreaker" is what the sites are optimized for (Meta tags, on-page seo and I'd imagine anchor texts) but "Best Ice Breaker" gets 4x as many exact searches. Will Google see it as a different search term/kw and give me a huge advantage or will the space be disregarded and make no difference?

My thinking is that Google will disregard the space. I've read that they pay no attention to prepositions and conjunctions. If that's true, I can't see that they would give any weight to a space unless it changed the meaning of the words. For example, let's say you had "ice breaker" and "kitchen tools" in the same sentence. In another sentence, you have "icebreaker" and "party conversation tips." Now, Google looks at it as a different phrase.