How do you use ebay for traffic?

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Aug 14, 2006
Maryland, USA
How do you use ebay for traffic? I've seen ebooks pushing it all over the place. Do you just put the link inside your auctions and member profile?

I've never done it but I guess if it's an ebook or something auction off a copy at a reduced price and then tell everyone else in your description that they can get their copy at your site.
Possibility said:
I've never done it but I guess if it's an ebook or something auction off a copy at a reduced price and then tell everyone else in your description that they can get their copy at your site.
Be careful of this, if you word it like : "Don't worry if you don't win this auction just go to httq:// and buy it there." eBay will probably take issue and remove your listing, and if repeated may even revoke your account.

If you word it as : "For more information about this offer, please see" Then you're as good as gold. eBay allows links to outside sources for additional information, just don't try to send people to your site to buy.

Now, if someone contacts you and says "I really want this, but I don't get paid until xxxxx" or something to that effect, tell them not to worry, you'll have more, and when the auction is over, send them the link to your site.
SEO_Mike said:
Be careful of this, if you word it like : "Don't worry if you don't win this auction just go to httq:// and buy it there." eBay will probably take issue and remove your listing, and if repeated may even revoke your account.

If you word it as : "For more information about this offer, please see" Then you're as good as gold. eBay allows links to outside sources for additional information, just don't try to send people to your site to buy.

Now, if someone contacts you and says "I really want this, but I don't get paid until xxxxx" or something to that effect, tell them not to worry, you'll have more, and when the auction is over, send them the link to your site.

Even then I think it might be risky to link to an outside site. I have had many listings removed that linked to FAQ pages. eBay can be very subjective sometimes. If they see u are trying to circumvent the fees, they will fuck u up.
I beleive (and I haven't done this myself) that the best way to do this is to push the link to the 'me' page (it has a little 'me' logo beside your user name in the item listing) and it is ok to put external links on that page.
You can edit this page, obviously
katoved said:
Even then I think it might be risky to link to an outside site. I have had many listings removed that linked to FAQ pages. eBay can be very subjective sometimes. If they see u are trying to circumvent the fees, they will fuck u up.

It all depends on how you present it, but you're definitely right. eBay can be as touchy as hell sometimes. And then they raise the fees! Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

Anyhow, usually a good way to get away with links to your site is:
  • make sure the link text is smaller than the rest of your text
  • don't use bold
  • don't use italics
  • don't try to draw attention to the outside link
  • put it towards the bottom and use anchor text not a URL. example: "For more information, please see our FAQ's" or something, don't say "For more information, goto h--p://" They don't like to see outside links remember
  • don't use CSS to make the link flash, etc.
In short, keep it on the down low, and most likely you won't have problems. Problems arise when it is an obvious outside link. eBay is very jealous about controlling what you do and how you do it on their site.

(I'm basing these statements on my previous employment with eBay and past Powerseller status. I'm not just guessing)
First things first FUCK EBAY!!!! I have a serious problem with ebay and paypal, but just for shits and giggles I launched a site and auctioned off memberships for 0.01, no one bid but boy did I get a hell of allot of hits in those 7 days it was up. Oh yeah I am also giving away some free stuff on the site so that was worked into the theme also.

I think if you are very carefull on how you word things you will have no problems.

I really wouldnt look for any real gain from it, but if you have some spare time and a back up ebay account why not? Play around a bit.
About me page

This is a good suggestion, however, your CTR is gonna suck. Putting a 'CLICK HERE TO VISIT MY ABOUT ME PAGE' at the top of your listings is a much better way. Most people visit about me pages.

SEO_Mike said:
It all depends on how you present it, but you're definitely right. eBay can be as touchy as hell sometimes. And then they raise the fees! Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

Anyhow, usually a good way to get away with links to your site is:
  • make sure the link text is smaller than the rest of your text
  • don't use bold
  • don't use italics
  • don't try to draw attention to the outside link
  • put it towards the bottom and use anchor text not a URL. example: "For more information, please see our FAQ's" or something, don't say "For more information, goto h--p://" They don't like to see outside links remember
  • don't use CSS to make the link flash, etc.
In short, keep it on the down low, and most likely you won't have problems. Problems arise when it is an obvious outside link. eBay is very jealous about controlling what you do and how you do it on their site.

(I'm basing these statements on my previous employment with eBay and past Powerseller status. I'm not just guessing)
eBay About Me Page

Invite your visitors to take a look at your "About Me" page.

On your "About Me" page, have a few short compelling sentences to get them to click on your link, which leads to an opt-in page.

After they opt-in, you can put up an offer on your thank you page, most important of all, follow up with relevant offers & content using email.

P.S. Remember to track your clicks to opt-in ratio, so you can improve accordingly.
This sounds like it would be a hell of a lot of work for minimal return. Anyone have any success with it?
joe said:
This sounds like it would be a hell of a lot of work for minimal return. Anyone have any success with it?

Not as much as you think, if you already have an opt-in page & you always auction stuff on ebay, stuff which is relevant to your opt-in offer, then it's good.

I seldom auction stuff on ebay, that's why I get little traffic from ebay.

Just a line on top of your auction & have a few lines in your about me page, that's about all the work you've got to do.
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