How do you track creative with Bevo?


New member
Sep 7, 2007
considering move to Bevo but can't figure this out - Tracking202 has the C1 C2 C3 modifiers in the URL but how do you track creatives with Bevo like that? Doesn't look like there's an option to add modifiers to the tracking code :1zhelp:

Hey Jicked,

Go to Tracker-->Tracking Codes--> Create New---> Other.

Input all the information. You will end up with a URL that looks like:

You can edit your o= on the fly (dont need to generate new URL).

If you are using a direct link, it will look like this:

Again - you can change 'youradvarhere' to whatever you want to name your creative.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anymore clarification