How do you style your links?

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
Do you like to leave them underlined, not underlined, not underlined but with an underlined hover affect, etc, etc.

I personally like the no underline, with an underline hover effect, but didn't know if this was a way to confuse more non techy users? I'm sure alot of people relate links to being underlined, so if I don't underline them from the start, maybe they don't click on some areas of the site that would be of interest to them, and/or make me money?

What do you all think?

I would think of it this way.

Is that link going to make you money? Or is send visitors away (not to an affiliate)?

I would want the money making links to be enticing. The "competitors" links not so obvious.
Good thinking DruSam.

Try thinking in terms of goals - decide what you want your visitors to do on any given page and lead them the best you can.

If you want them to click on a link, turn that link into the most inviting thing on the page.
z00pedup said:
Yea that always looks hot.. Just make sure the link colour is different from body text then there should be no confusion

Agree, and this is how alot of sites has done for many years. And I think that non web savvy users are used to that too.
Thanks everyone. I'll probably stil with the no underline, with underline hover and see how it goes, because I really just don't like the links underlined. lol
I try to use the classic #0000ff color on links, that is if they work for the site.

usually underlined hover and a slight color change, Depends allot, but overall I try to stick to the above, force of habbit I guess.

There are still allot of people out there that connect blue with a link. Maybe not a techy, but say aunt thelma, that only hops on the net to check out new recipees.
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