How do you reverse engineer ?


fuckin with the big G
Aug 17, 2011
One of the best coach is your competitor (imo), but to understand what they are doing is the tedious and hard part, but pays off. I have came across to few of his blogs, which looks like autoblog, but at the same time is not when you read articles, quality is good. Any suggestions ?

Reverse engineering is a very broad topic, but here's a bit of a technical tip:

If the blogs are Wordpress-based, you can try to look at the html code and see if there's any mention of a plugin that might give part of their secret away.

Let me explain:

If they have Wordpress-based blogs that are automatically updated with content, then maybe there's a plugin that operates that autoblog function.

Virtually every web page has code behind it. (On FireFox, on a Mac, do a right-click and select View Page Source.)

You can look through the code for any mention of a plugin that might pique your interest. Then, search for the name of that plugin on Google and see what comes up.

That's one tip that I hope leads somewhere for you.
^^ Here a good advice from n00b, which is so rare on this forum. Indeed, so oftentimes you can find a lot of interesting stuff in the code )) Donnow why the plugin devs like leaving their footprints all over the code so much. Tickling their ego?

*Some of this may be illegal depending upon your local laws. for education and theoretical purposes only*

- rDNS of the IP his website are hosted on. dig from there.

- Any personal identifying information? If so, social engineer your way into finding out more.

- Social Engineering. Straight up. Reg a new email or FB profile of a made up female. Contact the owner if you can and reach out to them. Send a few innocent emails "Hey I came across your website and I really love the design of it and how visually pretty it is. You must be a really good programmer. blah blah blah" . Try and get to close as them as possible under the guise of something else. Leverage this new friendship to your advantage to get what you want.

- Scan their websites to see if you can find any hidden or private directories with useful info in them

- Use the 'Forgot Password' option on any emails associated with them and get into them and see what they are up.

In short, just use your mind and think outside of the box.
Reverse engineering is a very broad topic, but here's a bit of a technical tip:

If the blogs are Wordpress-based, you can try to look at the html code and see if there's any mention of a plugin that might give part of their secret away.

Let me explain:

If they have Wordpress-based blogs that are automatically updated with content, then maybe there's a plugin that operates that autoblog function.

Virtually every web page has code behind it. (On FireFox, on a Mac, do a right-click and select View Page Source.)

You can look through the code for any mention of a plugin that might pique your interest. Then, search for the name of that plugin on Google and see what comes up.

That's one tip that I hope leads somewhere for you.
This is what I have done and used builtwith to check if I have missed something. Thank you for tip

*Some of this may be illegal depending upon your local laws. for education and theoretical purposes only*

- rDNS of the IP his website are hosted on. dig from there.

- Any personal identifying information? If so, social engineer your way into finding out more.

- Social Engineering. Straight up. Reg a new email or FB profile of a made up female. Contact the owner if you can and reach out to them. Send a few innocent emails "Hey I came across your website and I really love the design of it and how visually pretty it is. You must be a really good programmer. blah blah blah" . Try and get to close as them as possible under the guise of something else. Leverage this new friendship to your advantage to get what you want.

- Scan their websites to see if you can find any hidden or private directories with useful info in them

- Use the 'Forgot Password' option on any emails associated with them and get into them and see what they are up.

In short, just use your mind and think outside of the box.

Thanks a lot for this, I have started his links and other blogs how he operates, there's some footprint, but not really something I could call real autoblog. Only thing that makes me believe this is posting time and days articles being posted on the site. Thanks for some light in the tunnel. Just hope its not freight train :)
The process of duplicating an existing component, subassembly, or product, without the aid of drawings, documentation, or computer model is known as reverse engineering. Reverse engineering can be viewed as the process of analyzing a system to: Identify the system's components and their interrelationships.