How do you organize your tasks?


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I'm trying to find the most efficient way or organizing everything I do - from what has been done to what needs to be done. So before I go ahead and spend $24 a month on basecamp - how do you guys organize your work? What software or sites would you recommend, and how efficient are they? Thanks for any input.

The most efficient way is the least time consuming, the least time consuming is .txt and .xls files in each projects folder. This is coming from a guy who tried many different routes, trust me.
The most efficient way is the least time consuming, the least time consuming is .txt and .xls files in each projects folder. This is coming from a guy who tried many different routes, trust me.

^ This

I've tried everything to keep things in line. EVERYTHING. The only thing that has really ever worked was a todo.txt file in each project file that gets really really detailed, then an overall todo list on my desktop that tells me the order to go through things.

Store them all in dropbox if you switch comps a lot.
I do the getting things done method combined with 4 hour work week rules.

essentially, get things prioritized into managable folders/tasks ( part of GTD ) and then focus on the 20~% that is gonna make you 80~% of your income ( 4hr wrkwk ).

I also use Chandler and Evernote as well.
I use basecamp, it's more of a tool for a team, not sure if it would be great for just you managing your own tasks.

I'm doing some consulting for time management tool called (going to be doing a site redesign and helping them with the UI and USP of the product, so that may be redesigned too)

But it's a cool tool that has some pretty advanced features. But it's more than just a work task planner, it's a planner for your whole day. They have a free 14 day trial (no CC required or anything like that.) check it out and see if it helps. Also, if you do check it out, Please give me feedback! thanks!
Tomboy (a desktop-based wiki) + some of David Allen's techniques.