How do you organize your stats?

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Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
I am wondering how I should go about keeping track of my stats. Not talking about tracking202 and how to see whats profitable this and that. Before I would break even on all my campaigns, so I didn't really care about recording my stats down, on paper or excel. Lately, I haven't been breaking even... maybe I am getting lucky, but I want to try and stay organized. Lets say I do 10x better the next few months, I want everything to be organized. At the end of the year, I may have to hire an accountant or something so I know whats going on with taxes. This year(taxes for 2008) I dont have to worry about it, but this year I know I will.

What do you do? Every week do you put in excel what you did this whole week with spending and profiting, with which network, the dates, which search engine, etc? I am thinking about writing it all down in Excel for each week so when tax time comes again next year I know what happened and if my accountant needs to he can see what I did and I am not guessing numbers. If you got any suggestions or if you can just say what you do to stay organized. Maybe you don't even do this and its a waste of time?


Its pretty easy if its just for taxes

cacluate the total earned in commissions, and then see how many ppc charges u have on ur credit card, using a service like is great for this
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