How do you make a landing page?


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I made a landing page with PS that I uploaded to my website. Unfortunately, it takes 10 seconds for the page to load using the lowest resolution possible. Is there a step that I am missing?

I made a landing page with PS that I uploaded to my website. Unfortunately, it takes 10 seconds for the page to load using the lowest resolution possible. Is there a step that I am missing?

Play with your image compression settings in PS, you're probably exporting either fatty png's or max resolution jpg's, each of which will bloat your site up a bit
Play with your image compression settings in PS, you're probably exporting either fatty png's or max resolution jpg's, each of which will bloat your site up a bit

I'll give it a go.

@ nat3r - What are you using to make lp's?
sounds like youre probably making the whole page layout in ps. when you export the layout save all of the background slices as gifs, and all of the important parts as jpegs (such as the header, call to action button...)
Perhaps your images are too large in size? Try slicing them up, and also save them as .gif (if they don't have too many gradients or anything) or a lower quality .jpg or .png.

If you're a total noob I recommend you check out a CMS rather than coding yourself - Wordpress would be your best bet.
are you making proper use of repeating images etc??? Or is the page just one big image??
Try to build in html and remove images if you are using them. 10 seconds ooh yeah...!
International standards say that your website should load in less than 3 seconds or your 40% of your website customers will flee away.

Check this white paper dude -> eValid -- WebSite Loading and Capacity Analysis (White Paper)

You may also want to check out these tools.

Web Page Analyzer - free website optimization tool website speed test check website performance report from web site optimization
Website speed and loading time check
Grab a CSS framework.

I use blueprint (also supported by the big G), but there are tons of em out there.
