How Do You Hide Your Trails Online?

Suspect Device

Inflammable Material
Mar 22, 2011
I have started to think about online privacy. I am interested in leaving my business and personal footprints online as few as possible.

In one thread, I read that lukep (I think it was him), suggested a book by J.J. Luna "How to be Invisible" which is a great book to keep yourself under the radar in "real life".

For most of us here, our businesses are online, and if the tracks of our business is exposed to unwanted eyes, it may lead to some clusterfuck.

Those who do this kind of stuff (protecting themselves online) - How do you do it? What kind of actions do you do daily to protect your private data, and business data? This might be also valuable to other readers of WF. Maybe there are some good resources to read about this topic?

So, like I mentioned above - what kind of meassures do you take to protect your sensitive data (private/personal and business related)?

inb4 Alex Jones, Big Brother, CIA, NSA, etc...

I wear a ski mask and gloves while sitting at the computer. Totally anonymous.
But if srs, I always try to use safe passwords and store sensitive data in a TrueCrypted HDD.
(Along with my transsexual midget gangbang porn)
Hello friends ...

[ame=]TheAntiTerrorist on Corporate Revenue Collection - YouTube[/ame]
Look into eli's blog at He's got some insights on how to create fake hosting/whois info. Hope that helps you out.
Work from the VAULT!
Depends what you are trying to hide from. Here are some suggestions to get you started

Mask your IP through a VPN service like HMA Pro VPN or StrongVPN. (just dont be a hacker and try to take down sony)
Use IP filtering to block adware or malware or MPAA/RIAA sites with something like peerblock
Use incognito, no browser history windows
Use noscript and other browser plugins to prevent ad tracking, etc
Just to get this straight..

What things should a typical SEO adsense farmer hide from (apart from SEO/script footprints)?

In what ways is having your IP/cookies/etc. be detrimental to the business of a typical SEO adsense farmer?
schindyguy, awesome, thanks mate.

Keep them posting.

Few more things - how to not reveal all your web assets? Don't use G Analytics? Use different servers for hosting the websites? whois protection? What about AdSense? Can't someone just track all your websites by getting your pub-id?
Off the subject a bit but someone else on the forum said you should never log into your FTP account through root access. Anyone know why this is?
Off the subject a bit but someone else on the forum said you should never log into your FTP account through root access. Anyone know why this is?

That stuff about not logging in as root pertains to those who are in the habit of logging in from public places and leaving their terminal open while they go take a shit or whatever.
I am using HMA Pro VPN, I like it, super easy to use, and brings everything that I need. But I could look more into others as well.

One more thing, how do you guys look at a password manager such as - Password Manager, Form Filler, Password Management | RoboForm Password Manager

I like the idea, that you can just use a pretty fucking random password for any site and account, which makes it it kinda secure, and it would be a pain in the arse to remember every radnom password for each account.

Then again, how good is their "backend" protection, I understand those who will want to access, will access it, but I assume it offers the protection so that not every kid from Russia or China can hack it?