How Do You Handle Caps and Product Pulls?

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New member
Aug 14, 2006
Like many of you, I've been banking on free trials. What are you guys doing to keep conversions up when your best/favorite products bite the dust?

I just lost my best converting product and everything else I put in its place just doesn't convert. I've tried the same basic review for the product, same placement on the page, etc - but nothing seems to want to convert except the now GONE old offer. ugh.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Not much you can do honestly. All these guys seem to have logistics problems or money cash flow problems. There's not much we can do other then figure out your 1st, 2nd and 3rd best converting and just run with those. If it comes unprofitable then move to the next niche or work on recreating your pre-sell/landing page.
guess I'll have to try plan B - redesign the LP and see if I can get anything. thanks, Smaxor!
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