How do you get work done with kids on spring break?


New member
Mar 20, 2012
My kids are on spring break and my wife is working days this week. These kids are driving me nuts, seriously, I can not get any work done. Who in the hell indented spring break anyway. Any tips on how to get my work done with these kids bugging me all the time wanting to be fed and paid attention to. Dammit I have to work!

How about trying to discipline them by telling them you've got work to be done and you badly need peace and quiet. Or you can stay at your home office and put on a door sign "knock at your own risk".
Buy a Wii or XBOX Kinect.

Or work when they sleep.

You just have to adjust, they are your kids after all.
How old are your kids? If they're young enough to appreciate computer and video games, then buy them loads of game discs to play with. If they're into TV watching, leave them in charge of the remote and do what you've got to do pronto!
Not knowing their age makes suggestions a little tougher but here goes....

1.) As suggested above, split your work up to get it done after they go to bed and before they get up.

2.) Setup a Mealtime schedule and let them know that is when they eat. No different than when they're in school. They'll deal with it.

3.) If they want attention and you have more than one computer, depending on their ages, you could engage them in your online work. Have them proof some copy (Unless you're doing adult xxx sites), checkout your competitor's sites, teach them how to do keyword research, or whatever might be of help to you that they could do to HELP. Most all children LOVE to help. Right?

The point of number 3 here is to let them KNOW that THEY are important, again depending on age here, but that doing the activities that create money so they have the means to have the things they want and need in life are also important.

The bottom line here is that "YOU" are going to need to be CREATIVE and adapt for the time they are there with you until your Help Mate get's home.

Your children are with you for only a short time and they NEED your Love and Attention while growing up & forming THEIR self-Worth.

Your "MAIN" duty as a parent is to BE THERE FOR THEM as often as you can until they are grown and outta the house.

I know you need the money from your online endeavors to support your family and provide for them, but you should be able to INVEST some TIME and ATTENTION to your children also.

Back in the late 1980's and early 90's my wife worked outside the home and I was in Outside Sales. We were both in the Insurance Industry. We tried Daycare for awhile but agreed that at least one of us should stay home with the girls instead of some stranger being with them for their most form-able years. It was decided that I would stay home with them and then do my work in the evenings.

I took care of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After dinner I would go out on my appointments. On the weekends I went on appointments and my wife was home with the girls.

From breakfast to lunch I played with the girls and did activities with them like arts & crafts & teaching them to read.

An hour or two after lunch they would go down for a nap. It was during this time that I made my phone calls to set appointments up.

I can remember wearing Construction Paper & Yarn ties that my daughter's made me with my suits to client's houses. I would come home and tell them about all the the PRAISE their ties got from the people I went to see. (It really did help me close sales since the clients saw that I was a genuine person. A side affect I hadn't anticipated.)

I'm a Grandfather now and I thank you for posting your problem. It allowed me to take a moment here and reminisce of long gone fond times I had with my girls when they were young.
If I were you I would just send them outside to play, and get them a babysitter who can look after them when they are out. If they dont want to do that send them to a friends house, I am sure they would love that.