How do you deal with personal life?

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Death im yur Bitch Lover!
Jun 25, 2006
Canada, T.O
Now i know this is isnt a dating forum , so please keep that in mind. I just want to know how you guys deal with working online, when your life goes to shits and the last thing you wanna do is sit in front of a screen. Take me for example - ..actually no take the movie Old School for example....yaa im Luke Wilson aka Mitch at the begining of the movie. Not that extreme but you get the point. If you haven't seen the movie....too bad, you should its funny.

Back to my question.... ah fuck i know the answer already ....but i'd like to hear if anyone else been in this kind of situation and found it too hard to work. How'd you get over it?


Uzzz said:
lol...done....please watch for the mitchapolza posters going up shortly near you!

Hey Uzzz, There is nothing you can do to make your self feel better. Shitty answer but its true. It takes time to get over so you need to keep busy by doing things you really enjoy. Stay strong brotha, don't let this make you bitter. Don't sit around the house looking at old photos and watching sad movies. Go out and meet new women, a lot of new women. Your always welcome to come to vegas and party it up here.
xy7mike said:
Hey Uzzz, There is nothing you can do to make your self feel better. Shitty answer but its true. It takes time to get over so you need to keep busy by doing things you really enjoy. Stay strong brotha, don't let this make you bitter. Don't sit around the house looking at old photos and watching sad movies. Go out and meet new women, a lot of new women. Your always welcome to come to vegas and party it up here.

heh, thanks man. Starting to realize that. Ah precious internet don't you ever leave me:p

i'm finding small slots of time on the comp is the best way to get back into the flow of things...
Movies are great but they are fiction. Don't compare or base your life on them. The people who work on them often have no idea what real life is like.
Like XY7Mike said, just try to keep busy. It'll get better, eventually.
Hey, I might not be the best person to listen to...I have no relationship at this time, I work EVERY day, I can be on the clock for 19 hour shifts, I'm up drinking a beer up alone at 1:10 am, the internet is my social life currently, and I just went to my room and our three cats have taken over my bed!! (I hope my life isn't as pathetic as that looks). 46 I have had my share of heartaches and have watched a lot heartbreaks as a bartender and cocktail waitress.

Let yourself hurt, let it run its course. Jumping back in too fast, deniel, self medicating for the pain (alcohol/drugs) are all self destructive. Pain held in will eventually escape (erupt).

Make yourself the best YOU that you can be with the extra time and energy! You will probably out grow her about the time she realizes what she lost. By then you will be so thankful you didn't settle for what you had. (This stage of healing takes some time of course)

Like a physical wound, time has to pass. There is sensitive areas (the bruise) and lasting evidence (the scar) and pain. You can't "force" a wound to heal on the outside, the same as with heart.

FIND A WAY TO USE YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES FOR THE GOOD. I have excessive energy without a partner and I am diving into learning new things and my creativity is exploding!

Perspective...there's a lot of things that can cause way deeper pain, hurt, and loss.

Sure I get lonely...but that's what the internet is for and its available 24/7....which fits in with my crazy schedule!!
John said:
Alcohol..... The cause of and solution to all of lifes problems.

Jon said:
There's always suicide.. but make sure you leave your sites to me.

Heh damn, didn't know wickedfire had such a sensitive side ;)

Although i think im past the gettin assfaced staged...think ill listen to Jan's advice below...sounds very ...wise. Thx, i think the forum needs more womanly advice :D

pip pip cheerio...and damn shit happens for a this past weekend...all i can say is one door closes ...another opens... so don't bother lockin the f##@* doors :banana_sml:
Glad to help!

Wise advice....don't lock the doors.
Well..maybe lock them if you are in a high crime rate area...maybe lock them and make sure you are answering every knock!

Go get some pussy, Uzzz.

We are here for you buddy.
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