how do you deal with horrible bounce rate?

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New member
May 3, 2008
recently i've noticed that on one of the new offers i've been running that the bounce rate seems to be getting higher and higher.

at first i was getting a bounce rate of about 25-35% which is pretty good being that my AM tells me the average bounce rate is around 50% for that product.

now time goes by and its been getting higher and higher, 50% now even close to 66% bounce rate and at first i din't change anything at all...

ill admit my older landing page wasnt very eye catching to visitors who first got to the landing page but i've been tweaking it and even made it very eye catching even putting in a "blah blah don't get scammed" huge headline tactic, changing the color scheme and changing the landing page entirely for getting people to stay on the page or at least get them to read past the first sentence because the problem was getting so bad.

This new landing page seems to have no effect and the bounce rate is higher than ever. Although my conversions have gotten better it doesn't help because im losing 65% of my traffic either do to bounce rate or no follow through which is hard to believe seeing how this landing page is better looking, better written, and over all better than my older landing page.

Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to decrease my bounce rate? heres what my page outline currently looks like.

( header picture of the general product with a slogan like get rich quick etc.)

---(don't get scammed or something like beware of certain products)---

(paragraph about bonk products and how you can avoid them blah blah)

--(reassurance line, something like: but there are still good products etc)--

(paragraph about good products and how you can get them blah blah)


( then i start listing products here in review type style)

(after products are listed i end it off with a last paragraph on why i like the product and why everyone should use it blah blah)

thats the general style of my landing page right now. I know its kinda broad but if anyone could see maybe a certain flaw in the approach of my landing page i would appricate the tips.

Spend some time looking at ads you have purchased from. Based on the description, here are a few pointers.

HEADLINE: This should be powerful and draw your reader in. It needs to get their interest focused so that they read you sub headline. A get rich quick comment isnt going to make them read your page.

Carefully go through your content and rewrite it, The whole point of the headline is to make the user read your sub headline. The only purpose for the sub headline is to make your viewer read the first sentence and so on... If every word isn't chosen to captivate your reader then its not going to work.
the ad im running right now has a 15% average CTR which is pretty good if you ask me and it relates to what is being said right off the bat in the landing page when they get there. its well written and ive ran it by a friend who said it does catch your attention with the big spook factor of being scammed, thats before i changed the color scheme to make it more appealing to look at.

is there a such thing as selling the "don't get scammed" theme to hard so that they doubt your own products? my conversion rate has risen about 3% due to the changes but it still isn't profiting. although my AM tells me the weekends are usually low for this certain product if the conversion rate picked up another 3% on the week days i doubt i would make profit even then.
Honestly, for the best advice you're just going to have to post the landing page here. Yes, it's a risk, but without seeing it exactly we can't really help.
It you're talking about click through of your ad to your landing page to your offier, thats not terrible. Thats pretty good.

really? that seems really reallly low to me, infact i was getting at least 50% click through rate with my older shitter landing page.

and ill post my landing page here, ill mock it up a bit though, i don't want to expose all of it so ill just show you what it looks like design wise.
ok heres the general outline design of my landing page.



etc basically product 2 follows the same outline as product 1 then thats basically it.
How do you measure your bounce rate?
If you're using Google Analytics, I have personally found it to be very unreliable for that metric.

I have a couple of landing pages that have a CTR of 40% and 65%, but Analytics claim both of those pages have bounce rate of 97% and 98% (!)
It you're talking about click through of your ad to your landing page to your offier, thats not terrible. Thats pretty good.

You call 32% good? Yikes.

How do you measure your bounce rate?
If you're using Google Analytics, I have personally found it to be very unreliable for that metric.

I have a couple of landing pages that have a CTR of 40% and 65%, but Analytics claim both of those pages have bounce rate of 97% and 98% (!)

Ha, same with me, are you using p202 or anything?
actually i worded my topic wrong. what im actually measuring is click through rate. although my bounce rate is probably high anyway. my click through rate seems horrible micker says its not that bad.

basically paid for 550 or so clicks 130 or so got through to the offer.

Now this wouldnt bother me the bit and i would be making good money if i was actually paying like 50 cents a click but im not. its a tight market right now so click costs right now are really high.

Btw is it possible to drop from paying up to 3$ a click down to around 0.50 cents a click and still remain in the top 5?
Ha, same with me, are you using p202 or anything?

Yeah that's what I'm using, and I trust those numbers way more. I also use CrazyEgg, which confirms the same numbers.

In theory - Bounce rate is 100% minus your landing page CTR. So if 30% of the people who get to your page clicks through to your offer, you have a theoretical bounce rate of 70%.

But bounce rate also considers things like the percentage of people who kept your page open, but didn't do anything within a set timeframe, e.g. 30 minutes

Your CTR is also affected by things like page leaks (outbound links that don't take people to the offer), broken links, distracting elements, etc.

The key to optimizing CTR is split-testing. First, split-test a couple of very different versions of entire pages, to get a feel of what sort of page your users seem to respond better to. When you find a "winner", start split-testing elements on the page one by one.

Test coloring, formatting, logo, headers, call to action, placements, copy, images, mention of pricing, and tons more.
One major thing I've noticed is I don't see a call to action above the fold. You need a big "sign up here" or "try it free"-type button above the fold if you haven't already got one.

Also, stay away from purple. Purple gives people the impression of luxury, expensive goods. Unless you're selling Rolexes, try a green or blue theme.
Why the FUCK are y'all helping the O.P? its obvious he's asking for help on how to sell his shitty fuckin ebook!
Why the FUCK are y'all helping the O.P? its obvious he's asking for help on how to sell his shitty fuckin ebook!

lol? this isn't an ebook and this isnt my product... if you don't have anything useful to contribute maybe you shouldn't post anything. This isn't just trying to help me, everyone can use this as a reference and exchange knowledge about the subject if they want. anyway... I changed the color scheme to green, changed the logo greenish and put a call to action above the fold. lets see how it works out thanks everyone for the tips.
( header picture of the general product with a slogan like get rich quick etc.)<-----EBOOK MUTHA FUCKA

---(don't get scammed or something like beware of certain products)

(paragraph about bonk products and how you can avoid them blah blah)

--(reassurance line, something like: but there are still good products etc)--

(paragraph about good products and how you can get them blah blah)

Sure sounds like an EBOOK to me mutha fucka
pump the product before the negative text

its hard to tell without knowing what all your lines are though
Nope coz you know we hate ebook fuckaz like yourself.

go play halo or something kid.

pump the product before the negative text

its hard to tell without knowing what all your lines are though

I actually took out the whole negative approach from the landing page and ad text.

I also did some headline optimization and good news...

My geico agent just called and told me i saved a lot of money on...

No, but with headline optimization, taking out the negative approach and better ad copy relevance ive actually went from a -700$ day on my old campaign to a new campaign and landing page with a 100$ profit today. and that was during the late hours of the day which usually isnt the best time for this product.

So incase anyones wondering what i did. From looking at the screen shots above, i changed the color scheme to a white / green look. Took out the two paragraphs and the buyer beware warning, changed the two paragraphs to smaller relevant text with a headline and a subhead line I added above the text. Listed the products side by side and wrote a summary for each product under them.

So far so good my click through rate has increased and is at about 50% right now and my conversion rate increased by about 5%. which is at around 9-10% now.

Im gonna change some text around and see how that works out. Other than that I think its a solid landing page now.
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