How Do You Accomplish Your Goals


Jedi in training
Jul 20, 2010
New York
2014 is approaching so I naturally tend to think about my life, what I have accomplished and what I want to accomplish in the future.

Since there are a lot of like minded individuals here I wanted to ask.

1. How many goals do you setup?
2. How often do you review/look at them?
3. How often do you update/change your goals?
4. Do you think of a long term goal and break it down to daily steps? Or do you think of short goals that lead down a path not yet clearly defined?

I am very curious to see how people operate.

I try to align myself, and work on projects with people who are smarter and more successful than me. That seems to do a good job of lighting a fire under my ass.
1. How many goals do you setup?


2. How often do you review/look at them?

If you have so many you need to review them or look at them, that's probably your main problem.

3. How often do you update/change your goals?

Only if absolutely necessary. If I need to make any major update or change I probably didn't set the goal the right way to begin with.

4. Do you think of a long term goal and break it down to daily steps? Or do you think of short goals that lead down a path not yet clearly defined?

Clearly defined, simple long term goal with simple steps, none that are daily though.
oi 1st i shag ya sis, nan, an dad. den i slit thier throats off propr m8. finaly, i stik my dik in btween the throat scars m8. i liek mah bodies bloody b4 mah crew stiks their diks in too.
then i giv ya a propr shag op. ya beta have 2 eyes in teh bak of ya head becuz im cumin for ya m8. n ill shag ya like u've neva been shagd b4. n il mak u cum al ovah ur ded family lol (n then ill propr smash ur girl's hed in)
im avin a propr giggle ovah wat im bout to do to ya lad aftr i cum bak from da pub and beat my wief... u herd me ya fookin cuntfuck?
I set a detailed plan for different areas in my life.

This plan encompasses 3 months

I found that this is long enough to reach large(ish) goals, but short enough to change according to external circumstances. (Life loves going zig when you wanted zag)

I don't setup a particular goal rather than my goal is to improve every aspect of my life. Always trying to do better than previous year and visualize my dreams.

Visualizing things helps to achieve my goals.
I set a detailed plan for different areas in my life.

This plan encompasses 3 months

I found that this is long enough to reach large(ish) goals, but short enough to change according to external circumstances. (Life loves going zig when you wanted zag)


how do you manage the plan? paper? pad? app?
Clearly defined, simple long term goal with simple steps, none that are daily though.

I like your minimalism. It definitely makes it less complex. Do you find yourself being 100% successful or at least making some great strides towards it?

Also is that 1 goal for the entire year or a smaller increment?

I set a detailed plan for different areas in my life.

This plan encompasses 3 months

I found that this is long enough to reach large(ish) goals, but short enough to change according to external circumstances. (Life loves going zig when you wanted zag)

Setting 3 month goals makes sense to me since they are large enough to encompass something big but short enough that you don't procrastinate.

How many areas of your life do you try to cover?

I don't setup a particular goal rather than my goal is to improve every aspect of my life. Always trying to do better than previous year and visualize my dreams.

Visualizing things helps to achieve my goals.

I feel that setting up a goal like that is too general. How do you know when you have accomplished it?

Also do you visualize things in your head like a mental image? How often do you do that?
I setup quarterly goals, and I generally have maybe 4-6. I think about what I'd like to accomplish and whether or not it can be accomplished in 3 months. If it can't, then I'll break it down into smaller components and work on what I think I can accomplish in 3 months.

I always have them in mind and I'm always trying to race against the clock to get them done by the end of the quarter. Then near the end I generally have a good idea of my successes and failures that quarter so I'll start formulating my new goals for the next quarter based off of my prior failures and any new goals I want to accomplish. Rinse, repeat.

Also, I would recommend setting personal goals and business goals and treat them the same. So maybe you want to finish that one web project you've been pushing off and you also need to lose 20 lbs, then you should work on both with the same effort.

edit: also something I learned from working in management is that goals need to be Specific, Achievable and Measurable, or you won't really be able to judge how well you did. So you wouldn't say I want to learn how to program, because that is not any of those things. You might say, I plan on completing the Codecademy module on Python and logging 50 hours of Python programming in the next 3 months. This is specific, it's achievable and it's measurable so it would make a good goal. Or I will lose 15 lbs. in the next 3 months instead of I want to lose weight, for example. This will also force you to really think about what it will take to achieve your goals and should make them easier to accomplish.
Specific, Achievable and Measurable, or you won't really be able to judge how well you did. So you wouldn't say I want to learn how to program, because that is not any of those things. You might say, I plan on completing the Codecademy module on Python and logging 50 hours of Python programming in the next 3 months. This is specific, it's achievable and it's measurable so it would make a good goal. Or I will lose 15 lbs. in the next 3 months instead of I want to lose weight, for example. This will also force you to really think about what it will take to achieve your goals and should make them easier to accomplish.

I use a lot of things I have learned through project management and general management for my personal business and life. I am glad I am not the only one. I have been doing a lot of agile project management lately so I like the idea of monthly sprints as a concept.

I guess you and emp break things down in 3/4 month goals.

I am heavily leaning towards this idea. My instincts tell me that is a better approach.
I have 6 big areas

Work & Hustle
Social Life
Mind & Spirit

I think about stuff I want to improve in each of these.

I like your minimalism. It definitely makes it less complex. Do you find yourself being 100% successful or at least making some great strides towards it?

Also is that 1 goal for the entire year or a smaller increment?

Pretty successful IMO. It took a long time to realize I can only do one thing at a time though, as is the case for most others. Pick one thing and keep it as simple as possible. If you feel you have to have more than one goal you're probably wrong or looking at things incorrectly.

A lot of what people here do (SEO or PPC or scamming people on BST) takes a ton of multitasking and ultimately spreads you too thin, which is why I avoid these things now as a source of income since it's too stressful and not really sustainable and isn't even a business most of the time.

The goal is for whatever period of time necessary to achieve it. Right now I'm working on getting my core business to a certain level of profitability, this could take months or another year even, whichever comes first. Once that's done I will create a new goal (while ensuring with 100% certainty my previous goal is not negatively impacted somehow, i.e. by distracting me away and making it less successful, I haven't figured this part out yet). Good luck bros.
I don't setup a particular goal rather than my goal is to improve every aspect of my life. Always trying to do better than previous year and visualize my dreams.

Visualizing things helps to achieve my goals.

This. Setting a strict goal is like limiting my freedoms. It kind of limits your potential. You may be able to achieve a lot more, or you may not achieve it but setting a fixed goal is just not my thing. I'd rather just keep hustling with a vision of what I intend to do and achieve it some day, as opposed to making myself believe I have to achieve this before a certain date/time
Small, attainable goals day by day in pursuit of greater, broad goals. You'll be amazed with what you can accomplish in a month.
Tavin told me never stop until I bust a nut, fuck the world if they can't adjust, it's just as well, Hail Mary.

Wickedfire is packed with promise makers
Never realize the precious time the bitch coners is wasting
Institutionalized I lived my life a product made to WaFo
But too hardened for a smile, we're too crazy to be humble, we balling
Catch me father please, cause I'm falling, in the liqour store
That's the Hennessee I hear ya calling, can I get some more?
I prefer using pad and pen lately. My computer is a wasteland of distraction whereas my notebook is blank and free of clutter. It's much easier for me to turn off the computer and focus in the notebook rather than close the notebook and focus on the computer.
to be honest, i think this new year's resolution thing is we really have to wait till the end/beginning of year to kick our butts into action?