How do I respond to this inquiry?


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I have a site where I recommend and link out to some online games, apps, etc.

Someone emailed me about an app that he/she makes. They didn't propose anything.... it was basically just an email to make me aware of their game/app, because "it has a lot of features that you won't find in any other games in this genre", and because my readers will supposedly enjoy it.

My question is how can I respond bank to find an arrangement that's mutualy beneficial? This guy is probably pretty small-time so I don't know how to negotiate this type of stuff, or what my objective should even be.

I've only done PPC up until now so I'm just learning the affiliate stuff. His app is in the google play store and has 500-1000 downloads this month, and is trending upward rapidly according to the little graph they show.

Well, it depends on your business model. Sounds like you don't have one at all for your site. I would create goals and phases/stages for your website with revenue models.

What does that mean, well if your site is brand new or still in its infancy in terms of traffic <1000 visitors daily, I would offer to get all those APPs in there for free for developers. Word will spread, you'll start ranking for their app names, and pretty soon will become an authority for reviews. Advertisement like display ads, Adsense (not the best, but good for beginners), and CPA offers are going to be your source of revenue at that point. Make sure to get a newsletter signup going, so you can collect emails from your visitors and once a week or so send out an email talking about new app reviews. They'll love it. Eventually you can throw in paid reviews that you can work out with developers once you gain notoriety. More revenue streams.

In the beginning If you need to cover costs to write the review (outsourced writers), then cover costs + a little something for your time. I'm from the school of always be profiting, so having a website with no phases or ideas of how you are going to monetizing it is putting the cart before the horse. That's one of the first things you should have figured out before even designing your site.

If you're interested I can continue elaborating.​
I have experienced the same problem, then switched to using an advertising account rental service with a 24-hour warranty policy. You can refer to it. Via telegram: @pphuong0101