How do I post affiliate links at my site?

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Amassing FABULOUS wealth!
Apr 15, 2007
My late partner was the affiliates guy, and he did the link posting. I was left holding the bag when he died, and not so sure that I post affiliate links properly.

I know how to get the image to show, but I have been getting credit for leads, not clicks. How is it done properly? Yes, I do get the link info from my affiliates page.

I'm so confused all the time! :mad:

Maybe post the link you copied from the affiliate page and post the code for the page you will put it in. (just replace the domain names with if you want to keep it confidential) i'm sure it's easy to figure out why the clicks aren't being shown. my guess is you're supposed to be redirecting, not posting the exact code.
are u using dreamweaver or frontpage|?
I have been using an open source product, Nvu for Macintosh. It's basic, but gets the job done.

I posted the links correctly, and the probs I had seemed to be due to affiliates themselves denying payment credit for arbitrary reasons that had nothing to do with my linking.

I have some issues on how to work with certain offers, but will ask the affiliate manager and be their doofus instead of Wicked's doofus. :Yahoo_29:
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