How do I market my affiliate program to affiliates?


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I searched these forums for about 20min trying to find information on how to market a affiliate program to affiliates, i guess the keywords are used so much that i haven't come across any useful information

Bottom line is this: I will be coming out with a very unique subscription website, along with a affiliate program for affiliates to promote and get paid per sale.

Could someone list some ways to get the word out about my product and its affiliate program to affiliates? Free ways and Paid ways, as I don't mind spending money to make money.

Thank You!

Sign me up! No, scratch that...

Why is your offer potentially worth a damn to me? Having an offer and a program is just the thinnest slice of the pie. With apparently no experience in the field, why do you think you can build an offer I'd care about?
Wondering if there is anyone who is willing to actually answer my question, and give me some advice, thanks.
I searched these forums for about 20min trying to find information on how to market a affiliate program to affiliates, i guess the keywords are used so much that i haven't come across any useful information

Bottom line is this: I will be coming out with a very unique subscription website, along with a affiliate program for affiliates to promote and get paid per sale.

Could someone list some ways to get the word out about my product and its affiliate program to affiliates? Free ways and Paid ways, as I don't mind spending money to make money.

Thank You!

First things first, is the membership site actually done? If not, finishing it up is your first priority.

Why? Because before you can go to recruiting any level of serious affiliate, you need to test the conversion rates yourself first. You've got to go the extra mile to test your creatives, your page conversion, your email series, and your other promotional materials across several types of traffic sources (PPC, social, media, etc.)

If you were an established presence that had lots of contacts in the field, you could possibly bypass *most* of this, but as a newcomer, just walking up to potential affiliates asking them to use THEIR money to test YOUR unproven copy is going to get you laughed at.

That's why nobody has taken your thread seriously. It's laughable for an unknown guy to ask someone to plunk down their hard-earned cash to promote something that they have no data to back up the possible fact that anyone would actually want what you're selling.

So you're going to have to do some promotion of your OWN first.

Test several forms of copy: long vs. short, color vs color, hard sell vs. soft. You'll also have to test all forms of banners, traffic sources, and especially keywords. And after aaaaallll that, you're basically going to give your data away to potential affiliates. Along with unique promotional content, high payouts (possibly 100% and make money off the back end), and awesome contests.

And after ALL THAT you still have to find the affiliates. Just announcing an affiliate program isn't going to cut it. Affiliates have a billion different options on what to promote...things that are ALREADY SELLING. Why should they go with you? Even if you can bend their ear long enough to get them a little interested, impress them with your data, and get them all warm n' fuzzy with high payouts and cool contests you're still competing with much more established businesses that are already in the space.

I'm not trying to beat you up, but if you think its a "build it and the affiliates will fall all over themselves to promote you" world, then you'll be sorely surprised.

And if you aren't willing or able to lay out the money and effort to promote your own product to get the necessary data, then why should any potential affiliate?

Finally, after you have all that done, you may want to look into experienced JV and affiliate program brokers. And no, I don't mean googling "JV broker" and going with whoever has the flashiest website, I mean contacting people that are experienced in the space and do this day to day. The very best people are the ones you never hear about, I can guarantee you that. I've personally brokered a few JVs and affiliate programs and I wouldn't touch anything that wasn't ready to go with a solid front end, various upsells, cross promotional opportunities, high payouts, and all promotional material and data ready to go.

That being said, if you're really serious and want to discuss it further I'll take a look at what you have and we can discuss a possible venture.

If you go it alone, just be sure to have every i dotted and t crossed before reaching out to anyone serious. Best of luck to ya.
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Quick afterthought:

Just to stress how important having all your data in line *before* seeking out affiliates is:

I have a complete membership site built right this second that I haven't even started promoting to affiliates yet.

Why not?

I'm still gathering data and have been for over 2 months. I've been sending all kinds of traffic to get the conversion rates as high as possible. I'm also building a list while I do it - of prospects and buyers.

I've just about got the sales page dialed in but I want a little more paid traffic data before I go making phone calls to serious affiliates. And these are guys that have worked with me before and know that I don't fuck around. These people ALREADY KNOW they're going to make money with me and I already know this project is profitable.

But they only KNOW all that because they KNOW I do my homework and due diligence before handing anything over to them to promote. They KNOW that I'll have everything dialed in first. Because once I hand over the reigns, I pretty much stop all my own promotion and hand the data over to them to get going. Because running a successful affiliate program is a full-time job all on its own, especially in the beginning. You have to make sure that they have everything they need from day-to-day, make sure they have unique material to run with, make sure that their customers are happy with great support, and on top of all that, you have to make sure that the actual site is running flawlessly. These guys are staking their money and many times if they are promoting you to their lists, their reputations on the line so you have to give them everything you can to make it a successful venture for them, their customers, and you.

Sounds like a lot of work because it is, but yeah, its certainly worth it if its done correctly.
Pay me a $1500 / m retainer with a bonus structure to promote and manage it. And that's if I think there is any commercial viability to your product.
Dare Devil: Thanks you for the response, very very informative. =) I pretty much have the whole site and members area done, all the promotional material done, I am starting to drive traffic myself and with close buddies of mine to tweak the pages as you stated above, to maximize on the conversion ratios.

So in a nut shell the main site is a site that is designed to be popular by its design and free content given away, not so much a sales page where its designed to sell, if you get what I mean, so what I decided to do was create a replica of the site in a sales page format designed to "sell". Affiliates will be able to choose which one the can send traffic to, just a simple flag in the url changes the site layout.

What I gathered from your post is 1. i need to to come to the table with something thats definitely going to get the attention of affiliates and be worth their while

I'm not really new to marketing, but i'm new to mainstream affiliate marketing world, and its much different, lol.

Dare Devil: I will give u a ring after the weekend, and we can talk a little bit ;)

nvanprooven: there is definetly commercial viability to the product.
One other question:

For a subscription based site, where the option is to be billed monthly for the surfer. Nowadays are affiliates more likely to want a high pay per sale dollar amount or a smaller revenue sharing % which rebiils

I know in the adult world, revenue sharing is very rare, all the affiliates go for pay per sale.
One other question:

For a subscription based site, where the option is to be billed monthly for the surfer. Nowadays are affiliates more likely to want a high pay per sale dollar amount or a smaller revenue sharing % which rebiils

I know in the adult world, revenue sharing is very rare, all the affiliates go for pay per sale.

Why not give them the option, if possible?
One other question:

For a subscription based site, where the option is to be billed monthly for the surfer. Nowadays are affiliates more likely to want a high pay per sale dollar amount or a smaller revenue sharing % which rebiils

I know in the adult world, revenue sharing is very rare, all the affiliates go for pay per sale.

That's not true. A lot of programs pay on continuity / reorder. Maybe not common in the CPA space, but they are definitely out there. Pharma for example.

Personally, if you were to do that, I would offer a $X flat amount for signup / first month and then a Y% monthly bonus based on the recurring billing amount.
Run it, make sure it converts. affiliates are like savage beasts if they see something making money. Believe me they'll find you.
That's not true. A lot of programs pay on continuity / reorder. Maybe not common in the CPA space, but they are definitely out there. Pharma for example.

Not sure what you meant here, was just stating adult affiliates(i tend to know that market better), usually promote pay per sale over recurring, just cause so many programs are dropping from free porn and all that stuff. I was curious what affiliates normally gravitate to in mainstream.

Oh, yeah awesome suggestion on having a pay per sale and a % there after, I will implement that ;)

Dare Devil: yeah I would offer both, just some technical aspects behind that that are a a pain in the to deal with, translation will be more time to develop. I will look into that for sure though.

Damn you guys have been super helpful!! id like to have, if you are up for it, have a quick glance of the site/promotional material/offer/etc in a week or so, maybe point something out that i have completely overlooked.
We recommend personally prospecting affiliates which gives you better quality affiliates. We also recommend joining an advertising network which gives you more volume. This depends on your advertising budget and affiliate payout structure. Some of the bigger networks won't be able to run the offers unless you have a large budget.
I searched these forums for about 20min trying to find information on how to market a affiliate program to affiliates, i guess the keywords are used so much that i haven't come across any useful information

Bottom line is this: I will be coming out with a very unique subscription website, along with a affiliate program for affiliates to promote and get paid per sale.

Could someone list some ways to get the word out about my product and its affiliate program to affiliates? Free ways and Paid ways, as I don't mind spending money to make money.

Thank You!

will you allow flyer marketing?

my conversi0n ratez are throo t3h ro0f
Wondering if there is anyone who is willing to actually answer my question, and give me some advice, thanks.
I sorta' did... Dare Devil gave you a much more concise answer (nice post, BTW), but the meat of it is still the same. What makes your program something an afiliate will want to jump on?

I've recruited for programs in a variety of industries and getting past affiliate inertia is tough. Sign ups are easy, but there's so much more to it.

Getting affiliates from first contact all the way through to first sale and beyond starts with a compelling offer, a solid program and a lot of work. A compelling offer is your foot in the door. Without it, you're not getting off the ground. Hence my questions.

Dare Devil covered the solid program aspect. Test, test, test and make it worth promoting.

The hard work and relationship building beyond that is up to you.

The most successful programs I've worked with nailed all three and made a packet.