How do I create a site content ?

Seriously?? (lol...sorry mate...but this has gotta be a "dumbest noob question" nominee!)

You write it or you buy it. "Site content" is fancy talk for the articles (or the text) that you publish on your web pages. Do you wanna private message me? I won't drop a link but I have recently finished blogging about making content (it's a series of posts in an IM 4 beginners tutorial blog), there's article template ideas, what to write about, how to research topics that your niche is interested in, how to find profitable niches etc.

If you aren't into writing yourself, I use a membership site which supplies pre-written articles that I can amend and publish as my own - with my name, my links, etc

As far as getting idea's for what sort of content to write about, the longer you stay in the game, the harder it gets to STAY motivated...I like to research in niche relevant forums. So if I have a weight loss site, I would find a weight loss forum and rub shoulders with the niche to learn from them. I look for threads that have a lot of !!!!'s and PLEEEEASE's or HEEELP's then go and write a dozen articles that answer the question. The best thing about this method is that the answers to the problem are usually right there in the same thread.

Helpful? Sorry, but you really are a brand spanking new, baby scented newbie, aren't ya? Awww, it's he cute... :)
just go to ezine, type in the keyword you want to write on.

open 3-5 articles that are most related to your keyword in your opinion, read them quickly, and then write down the ideas/points down.

for each article generally you would be able to get at least 2 ideas or points down, which means that 6-10 points

then expand each point into a whole paragraph...

note that I am not asking you to copy the whole article as it is and rewrite them, if you only note down the point and then develop the paragraph yourself from that point, you will turn out with a completely different article, with the same kind of ideas..

ezine is the simplest, but you can always go to related sites like webmd (if you are in health niche) , (general niche), howstuffworks, etc,etc...
That would be ...right kakaboo? (now I'm just nitpicking!!)
Rich - These sites are called "content sites" or "content farms" because they are websites that are made up of little else other than content written by thousands of self proclaimed "writers." Other popular content sites include goarticles...the list could go on all day, but those are the ones with decent page rank if you intend to use them for building backlinks to your website (whole different kettle of fish, cross that bridge when it come!).

And I agree with kakaboo - you do not want to copy other peoples work - it needs to be re-written. Google frowns upon what is called "duplicate content" - you want your website to be full of original content. And secondly, there is SOME honor (just a little) among thieves - IM'ers get pissed at the thought of ripping off somebody else's work, you don't need that sort of rep.
Also try signing up for newsletters related to your niche - great way to get ideas for content for your site, article marketing, and your own autoresponder.

Look at what affiliate products are out there for your niche. Some product owners have tools for creating content or have pre-written content you can use/rewrite (they want you makings sells after all).

Outsource if you can. Getting a good writer to author content for you will save you time - which you can invest in other aspects of building up your web biz.

If you want to do it yourself, start by picking a topic, do a few searches & read up on the topic, close the browser & do a mind dump. Pretty much get a quick rough draft on paper or typed up. Wait a day & then come back to edit it. Next, put it up on your site. Repeat.
The general process my writers take when writing new content is as follows:
-Find a keyword that we want to focus on.
-Throw the keyword into Google and scan over the first few results for ideas.
-Write down important points from those first few articles that we can write about.
-Write the article.

I personally got tired of writing content and I outsource it. There are a lot of other people who outsource it as well. I wouldn't recommend doing that until you are at a point where your time is more valuable doing other things in order to scale up your business. If you have more time than money at this point then I would write my own content. Hope that helps.