How do I break 3% CTR on TrafficVance USA


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Hi Everyone,

I have been trying my hands at trafficvance for the last few months and I have not been having the success that I would like.

I have one campaign that is working and I have used the profits to test like 50 more without success. I feel like a one hit wonder, I would make Vanilla Ice Proud :rainfro:.

So if anyone out there can give me some tricks it would be greatly appreciated.

:anon.sml: I guess that I can not show my face around here anymore.

I you have any advice I am all ears :bigear:
there are some ppv spy programs floating around, I'd probably start there and see what competitors are doing. or just download the toolbar on vm.
I have a PPV spy Blackpops. I am not sure if it is the best.

I have been taking ideas form others landers, but I am still not getting the CTR that I would like. Tried flashing backgrounds and sound as well.
I am still not breaking my %3 today even though I have a new landing page. I am trying to target broad to keep my CPV cost low. I have seen some conversion so I know that I can make this work.

How many of you target demographics in ppv vs the offer directly?

Say weight loss
women 18 - 45

and you target recipe sites as there demographic is women 18-45.

You could target other weight loss sites but you could end up paying $1 per view.