How come affiliate programs don't pay a bonus for clicks?


Aug 10, 2009
I mean, if someone clicked onto their landing page, you as an affiliate already did your "sold" the product to the user, that they are interested in finding out more. If they don't buy, then it's the merchant's fault for having a crappy landing page/checkout process.

Shouldn't we as affiliates get some extra compensation for this? I see it as sort of a hybrid between CPA and CPC, you still get your $10 per conversion, but you also get a small amount for each click you generate as a bonus. That way merchants might actually get around to optimizing their landing pages, so everyone wins. Right now they don't have to do shit, because they aren't paying anything for leads that don't convert.

You mean the networks turn into a PPC network? (for more info - see Adsense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser etc)
I mean, if someone clicked onto their landing page, you as an affiliate already did your "sold" the product to the user, that they are interested in finding out more. If they don't buy, then it's the merchant's fault for having a crappy landing page/checkout process.

Shouldn't we as affiliates get some extra compensation for this? I see it as sort of a hybrid between CPA and CPC, you still get your $10 per conversion, but you also get a small amount for each click you generate as a bonus. That way merchants might actually get around to optimizing their landing pages, so everyone wins. Right now they don't have to do shit, because they aren't paying anything for leads that don't convert.

Are you retarded or just naive? (don't be ashamed if it's a little bit of both)

Let me break it down for you. The only reason an advertiser or network would pay for a click that doesn't convert is if they were actually interested in brand building versus performance marketing. They are two different beasts. There is residual value from being exposed to brand even if you don't follow through on any specific action, if and only if, the brand has intrinsic value, such as Nike, Southwest Airlines, Best Buy, etc... Go through whichever network you belong too, you wont see brands like that, you'll stuff like "Herbal Douche", "Colon Pound", or "Government Grants A Go Go". The brands don't care about actual brand recognition, so they only pay for actual sales, which flows through the networks. For any brands like Netflix or Gamefly that may actually want to build their brand they usually keep brand buys in house or managed through advertising agencies instead of affiliate networks because the value of brand building advertising flows through an entirely different set of metrics from performance marketing.

So in closing, I would like to say, nobody gives a shit about your clicks if they don't convert.
Lol, you should join eGay's affiliate program as you'd love their Quality Click Pricing. Problem solved!

There are networks that pay for clicks, you just gotta know where to find them. I know a few people banking hard on this model through PPC/mail. I don't care for it personally, I always feel if I send 1000 clicks I'd have made more CPA wise than PPC.
I can send thousands and thousands of unconverting shit clicks to any link for almost no money.

Make sense now?