How can you find a domain fake or not from


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Newbie guide to check the PR validity :

I am a domainer for past 7 years . Hopefully most of here knows me at other forums as PR domain seller . Nowadays , I am getting lot of messages and mails to check the validity of pagerank and how to measure it ..
First thing Everyone has to know that pr is just a metric from Google . This is one of the important factor in SERP ranking but it is not the only one factor which decides SERP ranking .

Here I just want to share my knowledge with you about the fake pr .

Fake Pagerank checker is not the only to solution to find real domains. nowadays it become complex...

Usual way to find the Page Rank is Real or Fake (using the query at Google)

Example for Real PR


Example for fake PR


All of the domains which pass, is real pr ?
We cant be sure at all time ... Sometimes it is Google's mistake to identify as real .

How can i find ?
You can use Internet Archive: Wayback Machine to find it .. Check the latest date it is archived . You can find the domain is redirected or not ..

Example of Redirected domain But Google shows it as Real

info: Query


Web Archive Page

All the redirected domains are fake ?
No , We can't say all domains are fake .

Usually 302 redirects refer "Fake" (not all domains)

Some companies or organization use 301 redirect to get link juice for their new domain. After sometime , they will drop the old domain. In this case , redirected domain still has link juice, even though it was redirected for a while.

301 redirect ceratinly boost SERP faster and faster. it is completely Whitehat. You can find this link at Google webmaster tools . Once you stop the the redirect , Complete link juice will not go to the main domain .

301 Redirect

302 temporary redirect

Fake pagerankchecker

Web Archive

We found some more methods to check the validity of PR .. I have some more good examples on this theme . I will post later...

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Thanks for the post never used wayback machine to check for 301 redirects great tip.