How can I spice up my header

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Just an idea..

Put some hot naked women in it... they normally spice things up :love-smiley-085:
Or maybe incorporate an overweight man with one of the letters like one of the O's or the last g. I think that would flow with the theme very well.
Hmmm I think that I'll take your advice about possibly adding a color--though I'd like to incorperate it in such a way that I can have the tag line on a black background with that grey because for some reason I find it really appealing...

I've been wanting to come up with a logo for this site for years, but I just can't seem to be able to come up with a way to do it. Just can't think of one.
Do you have time to describe how you created the stripe effect with fade for the header graphic you posted? Assuming Photoshop?
everything was done in photoshop
download a pattern set from deviantArt, or just make the pattern yourself
the striped lines is made with a 3 x 3 pixel pattern, 3 diagonal black pixels on a transparent background
the green to black fade is a gradient fill with adjusted colors
the text has an outer black glow, and that's pretty much it
that mockup took about 4 minutes to make
most of that time was spent uploading the file to imageshack :)
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