How can i spam some fuckhead

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Jan 29, 2007
So i used to be a warcraft addict. Im selling my account on ebay most likely and today i was in there and offered out all of my remaining in game gold to people for doing incentivized affiliate offers. Was pretty cool and then some fucker took my gold and didnt complete the offer and then blocked me in game... But i have his email and wanna get the fucker spammed for stealing from me.. any ideas ? ? :)

Demon, way to answer his question. WTF.

Aden, I'm sure a few porn affs here would love the address. Hell, posting the address here will get it scraped too.
yes it is,, but there is ways around it.

And if i cant sell on ebay, ill sell it somewhere else.. i can get 2k for it.
So i used to be a warcraft addict. Im selling my account on ebay most likely and today i was in there and offered out all of my remaining in game gold to people for doing incentivized affiliate offers. Was pretty cool and then some fucker took my gold and didnt complete the offer and then blocked me in game...
That's just gay! STUPID FUCK! KILL HIM! How much was the offer? 1.60?
Haha, good idea scott. I wont post his addy here though because some of the people who dont like me will email him and tell him, then ill get screwed.

Any suggestions where i can sign him up for porno and shit
I suggest you look for some hardcore-shemale-daily-updated-omg-paid-site and sign his email up.

Repeat a few thousand times and happy days.


i will.

i will xrumer the fuck out of his email address tonight when i sleep, its worth the overhaul on my bandwith for the fucker stealing from me
Check if it's connected to msn or yahoo IM and send out the contact ID saying you're a hot 18 yo girl that gives free camshows.
submit him to a few ffa networks (free for all link sites).
just a few submits will get him thousands of spam emails a day guaranfuckinteed.
Way back in the day, when i was in grade 9, whenever a girl broke up with me, i would submit her email to hundreds of porn sites. hahahaha. it made me laugh so hard at the time. hahah it still does now. Slutty Seniors was my favorite.

So ya, that is a must.
You could always post him on Craig's List selling half price PS3s, be sure to use a proxy though!

Nah, if your going to post his shit on Craigslist, put up a nice ad in the M4M section. Post some gay pic pretending to be him. Make it a nasty raunchy ad. Then make sure and include in the ad for people to send him pics. Post that shit in about 10 highly populated cities. Now you just filled his inbox with gay porn. It would be even better if you had is phone number to post too.
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