how can I send PM?


New member
Jun 9, 2011
hi ,everyone,I want to know is there possbile to send pm in this forum.
I cant see this when I click the user's name.

if you wanted to send a PM to a membr , go into thr pro u'll see the link "SEND PM" below there display name's !!
Do you have minimum no.of post that WF forums allow to send a PM.

If you have you can send easily PM to other WF members.
to all above

To enable PM's: Reach 30 post count. If you still cannot send messages after 30 post then you are one hell of a spammer. Do not spam the shit out of every fucking thread you see. Contribute to the forums!

Answer questions and don't put up messages like "nice post" "great post" and stuff. If no Mod catches you doing this then your lucky but most will get banned.
If you are New Member in wicked fire then wait few hours after check...otherwise contact administrator.
This sucks that you have to wait so long, I posted a nice article on cold calling and I dont see it, I replied to someones post and I dont see it and I put up a post looking for an affiliate and i don't see it, whats up with this place ? and I don't even think my email to the mod got read, is there anyone who can contact a mod to see if I can have my posts approved so that these items can be counted to wards any contributions that I make after all how is one supposed to contribute if their stuff is not getting posted or seen.
This sucks that you have to wait so long, I posted a nice article on cold calling and I dont see it, I replied to someones post and I dont see it and I put up a post looking for an affiliate and i don't see it, whats up with this place ? and I don't even think my email to the mod got read, is there anyone who can contact a mod to see if I can have my posts approved so that these items can be counted to wards any contributions that I make after all how is one supposed to contribute if their stuff is not getting posted or seen.

What are you talking about?
I have more than 15 posts, have the "send PM" links visible, even when I send a PM - it kinda works... BUT the "sent messages" folder is empty.
I have more than 15 posts, have the "send PM" links visible, even when I send a PM - it kinda works... BUT the "sent messages" folder is empty.

No one cares you fucking spammer, enjoy your red bricks.