How can I hide my hoplink on the affiliate landing page


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Hey guys I have a pretty basic question I think.

So I have my website, where I link users to a clickbank product. They click a link from to, where they are redirected to the clickbank hoplink (eg http://sakdsadj****, which redirects them to the offer at

My question is, how can I hide the "?hop=myaccount" from appearing on the url of the page? I have never really worked into this, but here are my ideas so far:

-create my own landing page?(seems hard, I think it is better to send them to the real URL)
-inject the cookie directly from my site to the visitor, then send them to the homepage?(I have no clue how to do this, is this bad?)
-what other choices can I have?

Please give me advice guys thanks alot!

1. Host offer.php (or whatever) on your website

2. Send traffic to

3. Use this PHP redirection script on offer.php to route the traffic to the vendor page:

header( 'Location:' ) ;

4. Thank me :)
<img src="##HOPLINK_URL_GOES_HERE##" style="display: none" />
Put that code somewhere in your page with your hoplink in it and then link directly to the offer domain. This is your best option.

EDIT: This will do what you said, inject the cookie so that when they go to the domain it's like they have been through your affiliate link.

Is it bad? It's never bad if you do it like this and you won't have any problems doing it on ClickBank (although some retard affiliate programs think otherwise).

To check if it's working clear all your cookies and the visit your landing page, then look at your cookies and you should be able to see the CB ones.