How can I find affiliates to drive traffic to my Amazon products?


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Alot of times I see random products I never heard of making lots of sales on Amazon, so I assume they are getting their traffic from affiliate marketers.
How can I find affiliates to drive traffic to my Amazon products?

Alot of times I see random products I never heard of making lots of sales on Amazon, so I assume they are getting their traffic from affiliate marketers.
How can I find affiliates to drive traffic to my Amazon products?

not all affiliate networks are CPA and most of the CPA's aren't strictly content lockeers.

I dont know a lot about Amazon, but most of the people that do promote Amazon find products from Amazon on their own that are a good fit for their landers and/or traffic source. If you truly have an amazing product that you feel will convert well/has good reivews and a good price point, find the sites that promote your competition and send them a pitch to promote your product (some incentive on top of the CPS would go a long way).

That's what I would do, but again I don't promote Amazon products.
Amazon has their own network of affiliates. I personally wouldn't drive too much of my affiliate traffic to Amazon considering they take what 12 to 15% right off the top? Doesn't leave much room for affiliates unless you have some crazy ROI numbers.