How can a jpg look completly different on two browsers?


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Same exact url, two different lengths:

That strip repeats itself to form the background. The jpg on firefox (left) is actually the original which has since been replaced and yet it still shows up.... The jpg on IE (right, shorter) is actually the one currently uploaded. its the same exact url. I'm very confused as to how the old longer strip still shows up for the url even though it has been replaced. It happens only on firefox about 50% of the time, other 50% it shows the new shorter strip. I tried clearing cache and using different computers.

Any ideas?

On Firefox it scales with the rest of the site as you zoom in and out but on IE it stays the same while the site content zooms in and out...strange
How do I go about fixing this ? The position of that black bar is crucial because thats where my nav menu links go. So its not the right length the links don't fit in the black bar.
Here is another screenshot, wouldn't let me edit the above post


Basically the bg.jpg being longer in firefox causes things to go out of alignment.

I do not believe this is a jpg error.

Look for these:

Page Scaling in Firefox - what is the zoom level?

Sometimes, people use apache settings for elements that make your browser not load the new jpg.. might be the old one loaded... it is an optimization thing, look for expiry dates, this technique might be the problem: "Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header"

After all, this looks like a CSS bug somewhere. IE showing it correctly HAS to be a bug.
