How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses (Forbes)

Jared Jammer

Rookie Marketer
Dec 17, 2014
How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses - Forbes

A little inspiration for those of us still struggling for success.

Elaine Pofeldt said:
He’s not a graduate of an elite business school. “I was a high school failure,” says Walton. “I had a 2.9 GPA.” Before starting the business, he worked in a security camera store for $11 an hour. But he was a quick study of the spy-camera business and tapped what he learned create a store that sells about 100 products he is confident his customers want.

From an $11-an-hour store job, to his own self-made, one-man million-dollar business in a year. Not bad.


Spyguy =

1. No SEO.
2. Massive PPC budget.
3. Stock theme.
4. Generic Photos.
5. No Social..
6. Very little branding.
7. No content/guides/advice.
He could have bought that article as it's easy to buy those Forbes posts...bringing his own hype?


Both websites linked from this article look like shit, and if you run them through semrush you'll see very little organic traffic, low amount of backlinks and they aren't ranking for any serious keyword. I'm not saying semrush is 100% accurate, but it still gives you a rough idea of the popularity of a site.

Clearly the editorial was bought. In fact 2 weeks ago some freelance editor approached me on LinkedIn and offered to get me a Forbes editorial for $1,500. Nothing money can't buy nowadays!