How beefy of a dedicated server do I need?


3 what?!?
Aug 25, 2010
It looks like the time has finally come to upgrade from my fleet of VPS's to a dedicated server for a few of my sites.

I've been looking at places like liquidweb and inmotion, but always get stuck on the same thing. Just how beefy of a server do I need?

Typically I get around 15,000 unique visitors and 50,000 pageviews per day on the sites I'll be moving, which the VPS handles just fine. The problem is that I also run a very large Facebook fan page and when I direct that traffic back to the website the site can experience up to 25,000 visitors in a 15-minute span, at which point the VPS croaks and dies. My goal is to get it onto a server that will handle that load at least.

So what do I need for this? Multiple cores/processors? 4gb ram enough or do I need more? Should I go w/ Raid or SSD hard disks or will regular ones be fine? There's an extreme dearth of information on this out there on the net.

It looks like the time has finally come to upgrade from my fleet of VPS's to a dedicated server for a few of my sites.

I've been looking at places like liquidweb and inmotion, but always get stuck on the same thing. Just how beefy of a server do I need?

Typically I get around 15,000 unique visitors and 50,000 pageviews per day on the sites I'll be moving, which the VPS handles just fine. The problem is that I also run a very large Facebook fan page and when I direct that traffic back to the website the site can experience up to 25,000 visitors in a 15-minute span, at which point the VPS croaks and dies. My goal is to get it onto a server that will handle that load at least.

So what do I need for this? Multiple cores/processors? 4gb ram enough or do I need more? Should I go w/ Raid or SSD hard disks or will regular ones be fine? There's an extreme dearth of information on this out there on the net.

I had the same problem so spoke to a couple of mates who had already upraded their servers. They pointed me to I clicked on the live chat top right hand side of webpage spoke to a tecky geek. Gave him my requirements and took his advice. That was 5 years ago, had no problems and their support is 365/24-7

Hope this helps
How many scripts are running? Are these sites heavy on database load? If it were me I'd opt for more RAM over a faster processor.

Look for atleast a Core 2 Duo processor (GHz doesn't matter too much)
Minimum 4GB RAM, 8GB preferred so you can grow into it.
RAID-1 Mirror for redundancy w/offsite weekly backups.

Also make sure you're getting enough bandwidth.
cPanel is a bitch IMHO. With a self-managed server you can do wonders with it. I'm using Liquid Web and it's been great so far. I have an average of 20,000 UV a day spread among several sites and the memory consumption does not go over 2 GB.
Linode / 6sync are great for unmanaged. WiredTree is decent but I had a lot of troubles with them.

It all depends of what kind of scripts are you using and how optimized is your server.
Goto the cloud, then you can scale up when you need it and scale down when you don't.

Personally I come in my pants over Azure, but that's just me. Rackspace Cloud looks good, although I have never used them.